Money is a paper, that is used to buy and sell things and actually the cost of it should not have been so high. In old times, we people used gold instead of money to buy and sell things, and then they started using different product and changed them into one and another. Then people invented money, the paper which has different costs and is used to target. Nowadays, all the countries have their currency. In Greece it is drachma, in Armenia it is dram, in Russia it is ruble, in Europe it is the euro. However, to sell and buy things from each other and to do trading, countries use one common currency. This currency is usually the international currency, which is now the currency of US dollars. It is used in most of the international affairs, and is recognized as the international money by the majority of the countries.
However, there are also other currencies that can also be used in international level, such as the euro. Actually the rate of particular currency in this or that country speaks about the power of that very currency and the economic development and situation of the country. For example the rate of Russian ruble while changing into the Armenian drams and to any other currency strongly went down. This shows that the economic situation of Russia also went down because of the sanctions used against her.
Annually banks print a certain amount of money and that money is always in move going from the hand of one into the hand of another person. Every country has its own bank, which is busy with printing and releasing that money. The banks are considered to be the Central banks of that very country. However, we also have the Central World bank.
Money can be cash and credit. That means that actually we do not have to carry all our money with us, but to pay by credit card. By using credit card we make our life easier and safer.
So there are many definitions what money is, but money is now almost everything. Even the things that seemed to have been impossible are possible due to money. We all use money for different things, for luxury, for cars, for comfort, houses, villas, clothes and other things, which often are unnecessary and nothing more than just a temptation. However, there are people that are dying out just because they do not have this sheet of paper with them called money. SO for some people money is something the aim of life, and the main purpose of it, for others it is just a desire, in order to keep on the existence. While some people are swimming in money, the others are starving of hunger, do not have clothes to wear. While some are having luxurious trips, others are living disappointed not having a single penny to buy a medicine. So we can judge that money is also a difference, a social gap.
Money is a big concept. For all of us money is something different, which has different meaning, different value. However, all we cannot deny that money plays a great role in the quality of life, and we all want to have money. May be we do not want to billionaires but we all want to have money for a normal life.
People say money cannot buy happiness, and I absolutely agree with this. We should not lose our dignity and personal values because of money. However, money can buy things that are important and essential for having a happy life, no matter how much we try to shift us away from materialistic world.
So in my perception, money is something that is different for all people. Money is a reason for many good thing that exist in life, and at the same time it is something which creates bad, evil, death and many other disasters. Money is the reason of many wars, the reason of corruption, of injustice, of social gap, difference. It is not in vain that even in practice money is the dirtiest thing that there is on Earth, because money is actually something which is directly touched by many different people carrying different bacteria and dust, and I think that there is much reality and ideological truth in this, because that is the reality of money. Money is super controversial, the mother of both good and bad, beauty and ugly. Overall I think that money is a good thing but people make it bad by the way they spend it. If they spend it in the right way, then it is actually quite a good and useful thing. It is people to blame and not the money. People themselves, by their choice create temptations and make it a dark desire.
Those dark temptations that people create with money are money laundering, forgery or fake money.
To sum it up and to give a general conclusion, I have to note that money is something so general that it cannot be specified, it is a source of both good and bad, and the key is in the question how we use the money. If we use it for good purpose then it is something God given and extremely pleasant, fancy and really good, if on the other hand, we use it for dark purposes, then it is something sends by Evil. So the decision why we use the money is always ours. We will want we will create the good, if not then the bad.
20 Intriguing Money Facts you ought to know
Money is undeniably the life-blood of everyone’s existence, as the average denizen cannot spend even a day without shelling out or accepting cash in some form. Whether you like to call it dough, moolah, Benjamins or rupees; coinage has a rich and intriguing history the world over. In fact, possessing money is frequently deemed equal to amassing power in today’s global scenario. So read about these exciting facts pertaining to money.
- Prehistoric man once used bat faeces as cash to exchange commodities and other goods.
- One fact that you probably weren’t aware of is that the bills you carry around aren’t in fact made of paper. American money is fashioned out of cotton fibers making it more durable.
- Another intriguing fact is that is that not more than 9% of global coinage exists in its physical form. The rest resides in online wallets, as shares in companies, in electronic format and as bank balances.
- The average US citizen carries around 5 credit cards making sure the credit cards outnumber Americans.
- It is said that the best ideas come to man when he is in the lavatory. Well true to this saying, creator John Shepherd arrived at the idea of ATM’s when he was taking a shower. This original notion was conceived in the ‘60s and the first ATM’s were then built. Back then they carried no transaction fees.
- Some countries used shells as currency centuries ago. India once saw cow as a sacred animal that was used in monetary exchange, deemed to have great value.
- Casinos all over the world make more money than the entertainment industries, adventure sports and tourism revenue in totality.
- Ancient ages knew no coins and bills, which is why prehistoric times saw human blood used as currency.
- Bills of higher denominations last longer, as is evident with the 10 rupee note that lasts five years; while the 100 rupee note can span two decades easily.
- The celebrated Valentine’s Day sees Americans spending the most globally at 1.7 billion dollars solely on fresh blooms.
- US citizens expend more than 51 billion dollars each year on pet care. Out of this 310 million dollars are used to buy cute costumes for domesticated animals.
- More than 95% of currently working individuals cannot afford to retire because of insufficient savings and a constantly increasing standard of living.
- A shocking 91% of all the bills in America display trace amounts of coke, making sure drug money passes through numerable hands literally.
- Money is a major contributor to the spread of communicable diseases. Be it the common cold or other diseases, most are transferred to people through traces on the cash they routinely handle.
- The US is the only country where school-going children are issued credit cards and they owe massive debts even before they graduate.
- The volume of fake cash printed out for the popular game of Monopoly each year exceeds the amount of actual dollars that are printed.
- Junk food and fried items sale in leading countries totals at 156 billion dollars annually.
- The average currency note has to be folded and creased more than 7999 times for it to finally give out from wear and tear.
- A person with no loans who owns a ten dollar bill is richer than over 1/4th US citizens.
- Pablo Escobar the drug lord had a rat problem as rodents chewed through 10 billion dollars stored on his estate.
The aforementioned money facts give you a thought-provoking insight into the dough you strive to make, love to save and relish splurging each day.