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In today’s article we will be discussing some issues about creativity and innovation.  In our previous articles also we have spoken about creativity and why being creative is so crucial for the entrepreneur. Why do we still need to talk about creativity and innovation is that because it is a very diverse and very detailed topic which must be discussed properly in so many details.  We should understand what creativity and innovation in business and in entrepreneurship is like so as to be able to be creative in business. Today we will discuss the qualities that the creative people have and it can also help you with making up a very creative team. What is actually creativity and how is it defined? Very often creativity is defined as the tendency to find alternatives that will be useful in solving problems, communicating with others,  finding some other ways to reach what you want. So actually if you look deep into this you will understand that creativity is not just fun but it is something much more serious. It shows that the person is able to find alternatives which means that in can be done not only for commercial things but for some more serious issues as well. This makes us think that actually being creative is so much more than just creativity. In order to be creative you need to view things differently, that is to have a completely different vision on things that of the others’ visions. This in its turn means that the creative people look up what is ordinary, they can understand how people think and can find an alternative version of way of thinking. Creative people normally are independent, self-confident, are attracted to complexity and are not afraid of it,  have quite broad interests, take risks, love their work and are passionate about it. If as an entrepreneur you can meet such kind of people during job interviews then do not hesitate and accept to your company because these characteristics are typical to creative people and people who have broad ideas. In this case you will for sure be able to make up great creative stuff.

Now what is innovation? It is very important to understand that innovation actually leads to a change and the change is not a simple one but quite a complex one. Innovation is implying someone’s ideas and making the change. Most of the people are in fact confused between those two terms. Do not be confused because it is very simple. The innovation does not have to be creative, however it can be creative. Creativity is not the major characteristic of innovation. Innovation is the change that your idea brings and is the product of your idea. It can be either creative or not so creative but it is a change. The interesting thing about innovation is that it is most of the time very creative. Innovation is also done so as to make our lives more interesting, comfortable etc. As you can see, actually there is a similar line between these two concepts of innovation and creativity. However, one should clear it cut that there is a clear distinction between them as well. For example creativity is just a feature while innovation is more global and general. There are 4 types of innovation distinguished nowadays.

  • The first type is the invention, which means the creation of new product which has not been created yet. This is a very profit making think if you can advertise your product in proper way and if it is really a useful thing.
  • The extension is another type of innovation which means that the entrepreneur will take the interesting idea and imply it differently.
  • Duplication or copying is another way of innovation, it is like copying something in business but also adding some additional creative touches on it so as to make it an innovation.
  • The last type of innovation is the synthesis which is the combination of the new ideas or new exciting product with something which already existed before.

So as you can see the innovation is much broader than creativity and has many other possibilities while creativity can be just a part of innovation.

As you can see it is very simple to understand that actually creativity and innovation are something really different but they are dependable on each other. It is also really great how people can put creative ideas into several things and come up with innovation as a form of product which can change a lot of things. While innovation is planned, creativity is can be included in that plan. Both innovation and creativity are necessary for the successful development of any business and therefore any entrepreneur must pay special attention to these details.