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Today we are going to discuss the Botox and to understand is Botox good or bad. Basically there are a few reasons why Botox is done. One of the reasons is the muscle spasm control or the underarm sweating. However, the most famous and used reason for Botox is the cosmetic improvement. The Botox is used to smooth the face lines for a period of time. This is usually the done around the parts between your eyebrows.
Many people think that Botox is very painful. In reality the needles that are being used for Botox are really small ones that absolutely do not make you feel pain.
Usually the effect of Botox last from 3 to 4 months, however this depends on some factors. Men or women who are older will not have the long lasting result of Botox, because their muscles are not so firm. While the young people will have longer lasting result, because of having firmer muscles.
The factor of taking good care of skin will also prolong the time of effect. Another reason why your Botox may have a long lasting result is the healthy lifestyle. While the people who drink and smoke, will not have such a good and lasting result of Botox.
Actually Botox is more popular among the people who lost their freshness and who want to return the freshness of their skin and look younger. Therefore it is not surprising that Botox is mostly done by people who are getting old. Actually it is not a news also that women are more into doing Botox than men, because they are more worried about getting old.
However Botox is not such a miracle as you may imagine it to be. There are many cases where the Botox is not applicable.
If the person has allergy to the Botox cosmetics, then he or she cannot apply Botox. Those who had facial surgery or have some infections on the parts they want to do the Botox, they will also be unable to do it.
So now when you know more about it let’s take a look at side effects of Botox. Side effects of Botox can include injection pain, bleeding, swelling and redness. Numbness and muscle spasms can also be included in the side effects of Botox. Botox may also cause some side effects related to eyes, such as blurry vision, the decrease of eyesight, eyelids etc.
Basically some people think that Botox is not safe, but we would assume that nowadays Botox is done absolutely safe and the risks and side effects of it are not so high now. However, of course Botox has also its own risks. As we mentioned before there is a number of side effects caused by Botox. Besides, even though Botox is quite safe and common thing to do nowadays, still it is not absolutely unlimited. If you apply the Botox too many times, you will end up having worse skin that you had.
So when it comes to Botox then do not do it for too many times and do not make it a habit. Some young women also apply Botox, but we think that Botox is justified for people who get old. While you are young there is no need to do Botox, otherwise when you get old, your skin will look much worse, then it would, if you did not do Botox before. So just keep Botox for older ages.
Besides Botox is not something very natural and what is unnatural, it cannot be good for us. This technically tells us everything. While you are young you should try to do everything in order to keep you skin hydrated and young. If you still want to do Botox then do it only when you are getting old. Always try to solve the face skin problems by natural ways.
Take care of your skin and your face, because that is what matters the most in our looks.