(c) Can Stock Photo / rognar

(c) Can Stock Photo / rognar

Obviously when you become a mom, exercise is the last thing you want to remember about. First of all you are extremely tired, you do not really know what to do in order to get back to your old shape but you do not feel like doing sports or exercises. Of course this is quite understandable. The past few months have been very hard for the pregnant woman because she has been carrying a baby and gave child birth. After giving birth nearly every woman wants to spend the time with the baby and not in gym or doing boring exercises. Another important thing is that all the women definitely want to look great and to come back to their old shape. This is very hard to do without sports and exercises. That is the reason why you should start doing sports as soon as possible.

Post natal exercises will not only help you for your body, but they will also boost your mood. This is also quite important because women feel depressed when they see their bellies after child birth. So doing sport and being active will be like a motivation for the woman.

The very first exercise you should start with after giving birth is the pelvic floor exercise. Do it as soon as possible because this exercise will make you be ready for sexual contacts. Toning the vagina is really important. The pelvic floor exercises will help you to recover the vagina faster. In case of this exercise you may feel the result not very soon after you start it. However, in fact it will help you to get the desired result after some time.

After giving birth you have to tone the muscles of you lower tummy as well. Many women have hard times while toning these muscles. The pelvic floor muscles help your belly to come back as well and this in its turn helps you to recover from pregnancy as soon as possible.

So the best exercises for post natal period are pelvic floor exercises. There are different methods of doing these exercises. You just have to choose the one which is more comfortable for you and try to do that one.

When you are pregnant there is lots of pressure on your back. Therefore after pregnancy you have to do a number of exercises for back as well. There are really many choices for back, you just have to choose the best ones for you. It is also essential to make your back is in good condition. It is important for breastfeeding as well, just because it helps the situation.

The next exercises that you should do during pregnancy are definitely related to your legs. You can always do prenatal leg exercises, however, when you give birth to the child, you will see that anyway your legs have become larger and less toned. You will have to work the muscles of legs as well. This can be done due to cycling. Both outdoor and indoor cycling is quite good for you. Doing outdoor cycling when you are pregnant can be really dangerous. However, there is another thing you should always remember. Outdoor sports and cycling as well may cause you to fall out, which can be dangerous both for you and for the baby as well. Once you are already in post natal period, doing outdoor cycling is extremely fine.

As you see there are three kinds of exercises which can be quite beneficial both for your recovering and for your wellness. The most important exercises for post natal period are the ones for lower part of tummy, for straightening the vagina, for back recovering and for legs as well. These exercises will help you to somehow tone your body in rational way and make it more beautiful, toned and definitely healthier. You should do these exercises as soon as possible after the child birth. Of course if you had the cesarean section, you have to consult with the doctor, because they are some restrictions for you.

So just pay attention to these exercises and do them as well as you can. Take care of your post natal period!