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More and more people nowadays are being attached to this word entrepreneur, and most of them just know one thing about this name. They think that an entrepreneur is a person who is just his own boss, however, there is a lot behind this word that you should know, especially if you wish to become an entrepreneur.

They are different definitions of being an entrepreneur and all of them are quite different from one other and what they say is also quite different.  Today we are going to take look at being an entrepreneur from completely different angle which will help you to better understand what being an entrepreneur eventually look like. So let’s start doing it.

First of all in order to understand what it is like being an entrepreneur you should understand what it is like being a manager and being a leader.  If we ask most of the people on streets they will probably tell us that these are absolutely the same. This is a very wrong opinion and in fact there is a very great difference between these 2 phenomena.

First of all being a leader means that you should take people after you. It means that you are not above them but you are one of them and at the same time you do absolutely the same as they do. For example what was being a king and a leader like? Being a king did not mean being a leader yet, but those kings who were having some battles and were fighting next to other soldiers were considered to be real leaders. So a leader will consider him one of the many in the group and not above everyone. As a leader you have to show people that you do the same thing and even more. The leader should not only do the same but should also inspire and motivate. That is why leaders do it first.

From the other side being a manager is different from being a leader because manager is organizing things and normally nowadays manager works for the boss. So actually it organizes things for the company and just keeps it all under control, but the manager is very unlikely to do the same as other workers do. So as you see there is actually a great difference between what the leader is and the manager is.

Now let’s move to entrepreneurs. What is it like being an entrepreneur? Well, being an entrepreneur is like being both the leader and the manager. Even if they do not eventually end up being the leader and the manager themselves they will for sure hire both. The entrepreneur should actually be the leader first and then only the manager. What is the reason behind this? Well, it is not a secret the great leaders are being paid much more than great managers. Why? It is because the great leader is just a treasure and is a solution for any kind of problem. The leader is the driving force for the employees and that is why the leaders should be appreciated.

Now we hope that you understand what it is like being an entrepreneur. These definition or explanation makes it much easier to estimate rationally the role of the entrepreneurs and how it should all work.

There is another stereotype when it comes to entrepreneurs. People believe that being an entrepreneur is really easy and fancy because you are your own boss. Well, of course there is a sign of truth in this, but at the same time not fully. The thing is that even the entrepreneurs sometimes wish they had a boss just to give them instructions and they would do it without even thinking. However, when you are an entrepreneur there are a lot of things to think about, there is no one who thinks above you. You should be able to give smart instructions, to think rationally, to think about everything, to care about everything. You should also be able to help your employees and explain your decisions. Besides, just imagine how difficult it is when you understand that you are the only one who should motivate and take people after him. That is really hard but if you are a born leader you will be able to do that. Normally people take these kinds of things for granted and they do not even pay attention to the role of the leader, but being a leader is definitely something which everyone should appreciate.

So do not think that being an entrepreneur means a lot of money and nothing to think about, just giving instructions and relaxing at the office, because in fact it is really different from it and it is about being all at the same time.