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The idea and the concept of cultural entrepreneurship is relatively a new one and you might not have heard about it at all. In reality the cultural entrepreneurship is a very strong phenomena and it is also very important that is the reason why we devote the topic of our article to this very phenomena. Not all of the people understand that actually the term of culture could somehow be linked with the term of entrepreneur however it is indeed linked and there is no barrier to it. Now let’s try to understand what the cultural entrepreneurship is about. From the economic point of view the cultural economy is something which is directed to regional and urban development.  There was a time where culture was not given so much importance to but nowadays especially the cultural workers look at culture as something which is exceptional or very important and holy. Therefore from this point of view of course it is very important to know that culture has become much more important and that the developing countries are trying to appreciate the cultural economy more and more.  The cultural economy is a new branch of economy. Many people view this as a new level of development for society and for economy as well because of course culture has a lot to do with the development of individuals. I know that what we have written above sounds very beautiful but at the same time very miserable. It may not be quite understandable for you overall what the cultural entrepreneurship is and this can still sound very weird to you. Well, to put it in another way we want to tell you that cultural entrepreneurship can be viewed anything which uses art or maybe some kind of culture to effect society and environment, to change some things in it and at the same time create new employment opportunities for people and pay some taxes. Some people understand the phenomena of cultural development as the combination of two very different areas, the culture and the entrepreneurship for the sake of some common interests. These common areas can be talented people, cultural events or arts as the driving force. The cultural entrepreneurship has the clear aim of effecting positively the economy and the culture at the same time.

Others view the phenomena of cultural entrepreneurship more broadly and they just take it as something which promotes the artists, some cultural events, historical sites or simply sites which can carry some cultural value. These sites can include the museums, theatres, cinemas etc.

Many countries unfortunately take the cultural entrepreneurship for granted and they completely forget about developing that aspect. Why is it so? Here is what you should know about this. Actually cultural entrepreneurship is vital and essential for the development of the society in general and it is so much understandable. First of all when the cultural entrepreneurship is very well developed in a country then the people living in that country will be culturally developed and mature. This helps the whole society be much better and must educated from cultural point of view which is always great.

In fact cultural entrepreneurship plays a great role in many aspects which has close ties with cultural development. These aspects are of course the tourism, cultural attractions and art. Besides this it can make a good image of the city, country, of the region in general and a better imagine for the people living there.  What we actually should know about the culture and the entrepreneurship is that actually the ties between them are not just desirable but they are necessary. Why are they necessary? Because without any development and without any investment, without any income culture will also sooner or later die. It is very simple to understand. The ones who make art, be it an artist or a singer or anyone else, needs to live on something and when there is not cultural entrepreneurship than the singer cannot hold on her activates as a singer. At the same time good cultural entrepreneurship makes a lot of money, it helps the community in general to be more advanced, to have a lot of interests, cultural knowledge and just make the whole atmosphere better.

Of course the interested to cultural entrepreneurship has been rapidly growing in developing countries just because it is so important to understand that actually culture is vital for the development of the society from the point of spiritual development and something much more than just the financial insurance.  Cultural entrepreneurship is a very important and beautiful part of our lives and the beginners in the filed should definitely think about this. The phenomena of cultural entrepreneurship has been explained in very different ways but some of them are not very clear. I hope that our explanation is easier to catch and now you understand what cultural entrepreneurship is.