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You just married and you think that your life has changed a lot. Well, you are greatly mistaken as the biggest changes are still to arrive as you become father. When you are married but have no child, things are greatly different. You can still enjoy your life, spend lots of time with friends, though your wife may be calling you a lot and asking when you will be going home, and you still complain because your life was different when you were single. It was a life full of fun, friends, free time, but now you share your life with someone you love, but still you feel some responsibility. What if you become father? Only after you become father you will understand what it feels like.
So what does the fatherhood change in a person?
Actually fatherhood changes a lot more than you can think. Fatherhood changes the way you think. It basically changes the way your brain.
When a man becomes a father, he starts thinking like moms. Before that he was a man, whose brain was very different from that of women’s. Once he becomes father, the brain changes. When he takes care of the baby he feels the same emotional engagement as mom does.
Fathers just like mother during pregnancy, face some kind of hormonal changes. The level of testosterone hormone drops, which explains as the following. The testosterone level drops and make father be less aggressive, more tolerant and treat the child better and closer.
After a person becomes father, the neurons in his brain change. The birth of the child results in some neuronal changes in dad’s brain. Actually in case of humans it is not that much clear yet. However in animal life, it works that way.
We all know that mothers are super sensitive to their child’s own specific cry due to the maternal instincts. However latest studies show that this refers to not only mothers but also fathers. Father can also pick out their baby’s cry and become very sensitive to their baby’s voice.
There is also a motivation change once you become a father. You start doing things for your son or daughter. When you were just married with no child, or you just had a girlfriend, she was also a kind of motivation, but the child gives completely another rush of motivation. You want to become better, more responsible for him or her. You want the baby grow up and be proud of you, so fatherhood is a really good motivation.
Before fatherhood you did not have a self-reflection. Now you see someone which is a part of you and your reflection. You created a new life. Someone who is you continuation. That feeling makes your head go round and round.
You come home immediately after work, because you are so excited to see what else the baby is going to do, what has change in baby’s behavior and so on and so forth. That is just wonderful. No more parties, not much time to spend with friends but still your life is great.
Fatherhood is such a good feeling that not everyone realizes at first. There are some major changes you have to adapt to but in reality that is not a big deal. It feels so cool to be a father and a parent, and to see that you have your own kind of continuation.
Some people do not really see much difference, but actually there is a major difference in father’s life and in life without kids. Enjoy your fatherhood.