(c) Can Stock Photo / alphaspirit
Women nowadays have taken over many spheres and year by year women are doing better and better and are becoming better workers for their companies or are doing a better job, or are becoming much more successful in the business and political spheres. Many people think that women went to every sphere without any exceptions and that there is no field which women do not like. However, the reality is very different. There are a lot of spheres where women do not want to work. So in this article we are going to discuss the jobs that women do not want to have. Let’s start.
- Female pilot is one of the jobs that neither women want nor men want to see women working as. The thing is that job of a pilot is really risk and problematic and of course you should be really careful so as not to play with the lives of people. Of course we do not say that it is responsible that is the reason why women should not be working as pilots but what we say instead is that actually you should know that women can have many different thoughts at driving an airplane and they are less risky when it comes to the lives of women, so women can be in panic and this will add some additional trouble to this very responsible job.
- Female mechanic is another job that women do not want to work as. The thing is that female mechanic job requires to deal with a lot of men which some women do not like. Some women really do not like dealing with mean a lot especially when it comes to service sphere and as we know the mechanic’s job is all about service and many women do not like it. Besides this let’s be honest and admit that men normally are better mechanics than women. Of course there are some really great mechanic women but most of the women do not become good mechanics.
- Female bus or taxi driver is another thing women do not want to work as. The thing is that actually women do not want to work as bus or taxi drivers just because women have worse orientation on roads. This means that they are lost on roads, they are in panic sometimes while driving and do not know what to do. Of course this makes things much problematic and people get nervous when the driver is also lost and does not know what to do on roads. Again we have to accept that men do this job much better than women. Besides this this job is also requires dealing with men a lot and therefore most of the women do not like it. Besides this it is a tough job for women because they have to deal with traffic and all of these customers. Anyway we have to admit that this is not about everyone and there are some great women taxi or bus drivers.
- Female surgeon is another great profession indeed. Actually being a surgeon is a very important, responsible job which requires a lot of attention and a lot of devotedness to work. Besides this you have to be really careful when it comes to this job because it is directly related to the lives of people and one must realize it. The problem with women in this work is not really about the fact that women are not responsible, not at all. It is about the thing that sometimes the surgeon does not get the result that they would love to and women will take it much more difficult and emotional. From this point of you it is a lot harder for women to work in this sphere than for men.
As you can see there are a few jobs that women themselves do not want to do and besides that men also do not want to see women in these spheres because it can really turn out to be so much problematic than it should actually have been. Of course do not misunderstand us, because we do not say that women are less responsible than men, not at all. In fact women are much more responsible than men but there are some spheres which emotionally are not just designed for women. I know that most of the feminists will disagree with this but let’s be honest and accept that people must do what they can do better and if you just cannot make surgeries because you are afraid of blood then you should not do it and many things like this. We wish you good luck with whatever you choose to do in your life because you are a stunning woman and you must be proud of it.