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Of course it is known that nuts play a huge role if you want to be healthy. We all should have nuts from time to time because they are super healthy not only for pregnant women but also for everyone. The only thing that you should know about nuts, is just finding out what kind of nuts are the best ones for pregnancy and find out why they are so good for health. Of course it is not a secret that nuts contain lots of different fats and calories, but studies also show that those who eat nuts are healthier than those who do not eat. Some researches even show that eating one hand of nuts every single day can make your life longer.
- Many researches show that pecans nuts are number one nuts when it comes to the health of pregnant women. Pecans can provide you with 19 kinds of vitamins and with lots of fiber. They also have great antioxidant potential.
- Other nuts we would recommend pregnant women to have, are of course the pistachios. The thing is that pistachios are really powerful and rich in manganese, copper, Vitamin B6. They also contain other minerals and vitamins. Besides this pistachios are nuts which contain the lowest amount of calories. For pregnant women it is quite important to balance the amount of calories and at the same time to get quite good vitamins. Studies show that pistachios improve healthy and that is the reason why they can make perfect snacks.
- Hazelnuts can also be quite helpful snacks for pregnant women. They contain lots of fiber, magnesium, Vitamin E and they can be really protecting of your heart. Besides the benefits of hazelnuts for health, they are also extremely tasty and one of the tastiest nuts every. That is the reason why we definitely advise all the pregnant women to have hazelnuts.
- Other magic nuts can be considered to be almonds. Almonds contain fiber, copper, protein, Vitamin E. there nuts are also the highest in calcium. Almonds also help to prevent the diabetes, which makes them as one of the healthiest nuts ever. They also play a great role in body weight management although the fact that they are rich in fat.
- Cashews are one of the tastiest nuts, and definitely they can benefit you a lot. One of the things you should know about nuts is that they are very rich in iron and fiber. They are also quite healthy so you can definitely use them while you are pregnant.
- Another nuts that we would advise you to have are of course the Brazil nuts. They contain lots of Selenium, which is antioxidant, which is believed to have anti-cancer properties. They are good source of copper and manganese.
- Of course walnuts are also among the list of the healthiest nuts. They contain essential fatty acids, that are just required for your health. They also contain protein and fiber. Besides this, hey can also decrease the risk of diabetes.
These are the healthiest nuts ever, that every person should have for being healthier. Actually these are quite healthy nuts that every person especially pregnant women must have for sure. So if you are pregnant then do not make yourself be deprived of nuts because they are super good energy providers and are healthy in many different ways. That is the reason why we really advise you to have nuts. You should have one cup of nuts every day. In this case you will have lots of healthy minerals and vitamins which are quite good not only for you and also for your baby as well. The pregnancy is quite a responsible period and people should really have a food rich in fiber. As we know the nuts contain very important things which are just the very things for every pregnant woman. So just take care of your health and make sure that you eat healthy and good. Some women think that eating nuts will contribute to your weight gain, however if you eat in moderation, it will not give you some extra weight but instead you will become very healthy.