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We all love food and we love eating tasty things. Of course for some people eating is just a simple thing, for others it is a highly pleasurable process that makes everyone happy. There are many things people like to cook and make also. Actually the taste of food greatly differs from people to people. What adults and parents do like, is not something that the children like. In this case it is very hard to choose what to make for the child. Usually mothers are the ones who are busy with making food and dishes for their children. So it is very difficult for moms to decide what to make and what to cook for the child every single day. They have to cook different things, things that are really healthy, and also things that the children like. Actually it is more difficult because the kind of foods that the children like is something which is completely unhealthy. In this case the mom wants the children be healthy, eat healthy food and avoid the junk food. However, there are not so many options for moms. So let’s see what they can make for their children.
Children absolutely love cookies, sweets, chocolate and candies. However no parent wants to give her child so many cookies and candies because they are bad for teeth and for health in general. They are one of the best known junk foods, so there is no need to spoil the child with these things. Therefore, the only thing you should do is to make cookies for them with less sugar. Moreover I am sure you can find or create some interesting cookie recipes with vegetables. You can use oat and granted carrots and make interesting cookies. Cookies will really taste very good and will make kids fully satisfied with the taste. You will have to add sugar, but not very much. If you make them get used to these kinds of cookies, then they will be happy to get them.
Another tip for you is the following. If there is one thing that your child does not eat, but it is necessary for human organism, then you can make a trick. If your child does not eat meat, but likes rice, then you can cook rice with vegetables and put such small pieces of meat that the child will not even notice.
Fruits are also very important for kids, however, not all the kids like fruits. In this case you can make a really cool fruit salad, decorate it with funny and cool things and in this case they will eat the fruits. Or instead of the salad, you can just make funny figures out of fruits and in this case they will eat the fruit. Moreover, you can also add some kind of chocolate on it. Of course chocolate is not the healthiest things as we already said, however, it is a way to make your child eat fruits.
There is one more option for you. If you want to make something sweet, then you can for sure use honey instead of sugar. Honey is the healthy kind of sugar, which will help the immunity system of the children and at the same time will give sweetness, as they like.
As you can see it is quite difficult to know what to make for the children so that it be healthy and for their taste. In general whatever you make, make it in the way that it becomes really healthy. Health is extremely important since childhood. You have to take care of the way your child eats and to make the child follow a healthy diet. In this case there will be no difficulty in making your child healthy and full. One of the most important things is also the fact that you have to make different kind of foods for them. Make different things in order to provide all the necessary vitamins and things that are needed. So just keep the diversity and also remember about the look. The children do not so much pay attention to what you cook but to how you plate it and to how the plate looks. Therefore make it as much fun as you can.