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What are the best colors for lingerie?

Every woman who likes wearing lingerie thinks about the issue of colors of lingerie. It is very important for every woman to choose the lingerie of the right color. So some women like to choose the neutral colors of lingerie, like black, creamy or white. Others just love to wear lingerie of riskier colors, such as yellow, green, pink and even red.  Anyway you look at it, there is no strict formula that this color is good and that very color is bad for lingerie. Each lingerie is unique and every color makes the lingerie be even more unique. This is just the matter of personal preferences and also depends on mood. However there are some colors that make lingerie more beautiful and attractive. On contrast with this, there are some other ones,  that do not look so nice on lingerie. SO let’s see what these colors are and how it works.

So one of the best colors for lingerie is of course the black one. The black is absolutely favorite color of lingerie for most of the women. No matter how much we get used to seeing black lingerie, still we cannot get rid of it. It looks so rich, yet so simple and classy. The material has also a lot to do. The lingerie made of black silk makes just every woman who wears it, look stunning.  The black is undeniable and no doubt it is one of the best, if not the very best color in case of lingerie. However, the black lingerie suits to a woman with some experience and age.

The next color which is just perfect for lingerie is the white color for sure. The white color is an absolutely queen when it comes to lingerie. However, the white one is actually worn by the women who are younger and who have less experience. The white one is also very popular, and is usually associated with the lingerie of the bride.

The next color, which is absolutely stunning when it comes to lingerie, is of course the creamy color. All the creamy colors can make very hot lingerie. The reasons is that the creamy colors look like the skin colors and they do not contrast with the skin that much. So you may get the feeling as if you are naked. This looks really great on all the skins, whether white or black. Most of the lingerie alongside with black and white ones are designed creamy as well.

Now when we are done with the natural colors, it is the time to discuss the more colorful ones.

The pink lingerie can also be quite nice and unique. It suits to the women who are much younger. Actually the purple can also be a nice match to lingerie. The purple one can be worn both by young women, and the ones who are older. The neon colors should not be used while making lingerie. If you see lingerie of neon colors, just avoid them, because they will make you look cheap and at the same time they will draw too much attention. They are not classy at all.

When it comes to the red lingerie then this is just another topic. The red lingerie is probably the hottest lingerie ever, which every young woman must have in her wardrobe. This is the best way to enchant any man. Technically there is no man who is able to resist the temptation of red lingerie. Besides it is very beautiful as well.

As you can see there are much lingerie, of so many different colors and shapes. The best colors however, are still the black, the white and the creamy ones. Not to mention about the red one, which always is trendy. When it comes to other colors, like pink, purple or blue, you can use them as well. However avoid the neon colors for sure. They are not classy and draw too much attention.

Anyway just pick up the best color for you and for your personal character. In this case you will look stunning in the lingerie that you choose. Now you know all about the lingerie colors, you can go to shop and choose the one you want.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.