(c) Can Stock Photo / nito
We all know that person who is always complaining about the salary, or maybe we are that exact person, who finds that the job we have done is not paid enough. In other words, one can hardly find many people who are satisfied with their salaries and think that he/ she is paid according to the amount of the job that he/ she does. In some cases, this would sound ironic, as there are those types of people who are coming to an office and killing the time, escaping and delaying doing the job that is their responsibility. However, in many other cases people do really work hard, but get paid not accordingly. Those are the cases we are going to investigate today and help you out.
Well, most probably, if you are working in a company and are complaining about the salary, and are not ready to work with that amount of money any more, here are two options you may discuss:
- Leaving the job – this is one of the options that would first arise to your mind. However, if you really like your job, the colleagues, atmosphere and everything else about it, that would be a tough decision. Before starting searching for another job we offer to go on and consider the second option as well.
- Asking for a salary raise – if you like everything about the company and besides the salary there is really now reason for your leaving, here is the second option – ask for a salary raise. Many of us would usually prefer quitting the job rather than asking for a salary raise, because we think this seems to be ungrateful and kind of egotistical. However, if you know how to treat this question, everything will be easier then you imagine.
So, let us know some of those things you should know before asking for a salary raise:
- What is your contribution for the company?
Before going to the talk with the HR manager or your boss directly, ask yourself: what is my contribution to the company? In other words, make sure you know exactly what more you are doing for the company that other employees don’t. Make a list of things, that you are used to do as a responsibility and list of things that you are doing without any responsibility. Write down everything you are doing, starting from the minor things, finishing up with the huge ones. You don’t have to necessarily show this list to your boss, but have it in your mind. Also, while writing everything down you may also realize that everyone else is doing the same as well, so you will try to be more contributable.
- Choose the right time
If after evaluating your contribution and job done at the company, you still think that you are worth being paid more, you should go on with that and ask for it. However, at the beginning you should choose the right time. First of all, if you are considering both of the options: either leaving the job or having the salary raise, do not talk about the salary raise when you have already made a question about leaving a job. First of all, you should start with requiring a salary raise, however if you didn’t, this is what your boss will think: You will stay at the company just because of the salary. In other words, even if they make the salary higher and you stay there, they know, they always can lose you always depending on the salary. In some cases, it could be good, however you need to show loyalty to the company as well.
Besides, it is also important to take into account in which period for the company you are asking for the raise. If the company goes through some evaluations, and you know that the budget is set already, then maybe your requirement will get a negative answer. So, you better wait a little bit and find that exact moment.
- Be as calm as you can
Do not lose yourself by getting either too angry or to sorrowful. In both cases this will disturb you and the boss make an objective decision. If you are just crying about having many expenses and the need of the salary, you will get it, however this wouldn’t be of a worth. After all, you won’t show that your job is worth to be paid accordingly, and it will be just the pity of your boss.
And in the other option, when you are getting to angry with that, you will show or say more than needed. Make sure, that even when they raise your salary, you will be able to stay at that company and not be ashamed of the words or reaction you have given.
- Adding responsibilities
If the answer is still no, then ask for some responsibilities, that will raise your salary. Bring some proves that you will manage to do this or that thing as well and suggest an option This will make the task easier and most probably won’t let you be non-satisfied from the conversation that you had.
If you follow these tricks and do it all right, we are pretty sure you will soon get a higher salary. Well, of course if your job is worth it, because you won’t get it, until you work hard for it. Good luck!