It is a well-known fact that water is the most important drink for everyone. It is more important than any other juice or drink can be. However, doesn’t matter how important it is, doctors still don’t advice giving water to the new born before 6months.
According to doctors the breastfeeding mom has everything in her milk which is necessary for the baby. Despite everything mothers milk gathers in the breast. And it is also a well-known fact that the more the baby eats the more milk will be gathered. Of course for having enough milk for the baby mothers should follow to their eating. There are even mothers who are having a special diet to escape the possible allergic reactions.
There are also mothers who are eating everything. One thing that should be noted is that in each case mothers should use a lot of water. At the same time, the breastfeeding mother should get enough water for her in order to be able to assume that milk contains water in it as well, which is usually being the 90 percent of it. That is why, despite the weather conditions water is not recommended for the baby till 6 months.
The mother Milk can satisfy the thirst of the baby, while the water won’t and will even lessen the weight of the baby. Mothers should also be very attentive to the amount of water in baby, because the baby can get water intoxication from it.
In the interview given to the New York Times doctor Allan Green tells:
“Till the moment when the new born starts eating solid food, the water in breast milk or some not natural milk mixtures, will be enough for the growth of the healthy new born”.
And if you are curious to know what is the water intoxication: this is a condition, when the electrolytes of the infant’s blood are being absorbed. And this can bring some effects such as the low temperature, brain swelling and so on.
In this cases you should be very attentive to your child and immediately call your doctor if you see one of these signs.
From the 6 months baby starts eating solid food, the ingredients of which are usually some vegetable purees and boiled meat. For digesting this type of food, the baby needs more water, which is difficult to be satisfied only with the mother milk. Starting from 6 months the baby should eat milk for 3 times a day: at the morning, during the day and at the evening. Starting from the 7 months some fruit purees can also get into the eating schedule, which means that the amount of the water used should be added and made more. At the beginning the amount of the water should be discussed with the doctor. This will help you analyse and understand which amount of water is well digested by the baby. It is also a well known fact that the more baby eats milk the more mother should drink water. When the baby turns into 1 year old, your baby will be able to decide how much water he/she wants to drink.
To babies who are older then 1 year, water is the best drink. It is more important and healthy for them to have water, then any other juice or sweet drink bought from the supermarkets.
Due to the many healthy benefits that water has it should always be the irreplacable part of our lives. In some periods of life, we should make it to certain amount, however in most of the times, water doesn’t loose its importance.
So, now when you know all of these things, just ask once again to your doctor, decide the amount of the water you are going to drink and continue your healthy diet. We are always happy to help you with more information.