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 (c) Can Stock Photo

(c) Can Stock Photo

Watches are something we want to wear and have. The invention of watches dates back to 15 century and dates back to Europe. Watches are very good accessories, because they are not only beautiful to wear but also they are quite useful.  During the first time of the development of wristwatches they were mechanical. Then we witnessed the automatic and the electronic ones as well.  At first they were of round shapes, however then they developed and were designed of different shapes. One thing was very sure then. The watches were worn only by men. Women did not wear hand watches. The hand watches were known to be the men kind of accessories. The reason of this is that there was a mentality that women did not have so many things to do and so many places to go, so there was no need for them to wear hand watches. However, nowadays everything is mixed. We have witnessed the rise of hand watches, as a result of which we have got so many different accessories both for men and women that is hard to imagine, that today’s woman may not wear hand watch.

The rise of the unisex clothes made the accessories also be unisex. Nowadays we have got many unisex hand watches. It is simply wonderful to have unisex watches and to wear them both for men and women. Moreover, I think that hand watch is a kind of accessories that does not have to be designed either for men or women. They should be designed just as unisex option.  So let’s see why unisex watches are good to wear.

The unisex hand watches are really good because I think that you can save money by buying the unisex ones. Just imagine that you need a watch and you are married. You can buy just one unisex watch and you can wear it in turn with your hubby. In this case you will save money and buy just one watch.

Besides the fact that you can save money there are other reasons why you should buy and wear unisex watches. We do think that unsex watches look brilliant both on men and women. If you are a woman and you think that they will look very bad on you, then you are strongly mistaken. There is no need to worry, because the unisex hand watches will give you some nice strictness and at the same time they will not make you man. While if you are a man and you think that the unisex hand watch will make you softer and you will lose your masculine side, then you are also mistaken. There is no need to worry about this issue.

We do think that there is no need to design hand watches separately for men and women. Hand watch is something which does not emphasize the gender of a person. If you see a watch very often you cannot understand it is for men or women. The reason is that they are not so different. The only thing that can be hint is the color. However if it is of silver or of golden color, then the shape only is what can tell you all. We do think that the hand watches are the accessories that do not need to be designed for particular gender.

Besides this we do think that hand watches are really good kind of accessories and they be worn anytime and anywhere. You can match the hand watches with classy clothes, with casual clothes and with sport clothes as well. So if you are thinking whether to wear hand watches or not, especially the unisex ones, then we will definitely recommend the hand watch.

So if you want to look classy and you need to buy accessories for you, but you are not sure which one to choose, we think you should wear the unisex hand watches. They are classy and very flexible as well. As already mentioned before, you can wear them anywhere and anytime. So there is no need to worry about it, just go for it and buy the hand watch. Just go for it.

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Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.