Maintaining a beautiful garden is a fun-filled yet tedious task. It requires you to constantly ensure that plants are well taken care of, so that you can sit in your garden and indulge in the magic of nature. The key to healthy plants is to stimulate a natural environment and provide plants with the nutrients, water and sunlight they need in order to thrive. We bring you some vital points that will help you enjoy a healthy garden:

Watering – During the rainy and winter seasons, plants do well as they get ample of water and moisture through the soil. The main difficult times are during summers, where rainfall is scarce and it can cause your plants to dry. The best time to water plants is early in the morning before the sun is out or during dusk when the air is much cooler. If a plant has witted in the sun, don’t water it immediately. Wait for it to cool down before you water. When you are watering, always water below the foliage so that the soil receives good amount of water. Ideally, it is better to water your plants properly once a week than sparingly every day. For container plants, you can sink a plastic bottle without a bottom into the soil and fill it with water so that the water reaches the roots properly.

Feeding – Regularly fertilize soil with organic fertilizers, or well-rotted manure. Generally, it is better to feed soil around the plants than use it directly in the base. By doing this, the plants get a chance to use the feeds as and when they need it.

Pruning – Generally, plants do not need pruning to stay healthy as wild plants are not pruned. However, to maintain a tidy growth, this is a good exercise to follow in your garden. Prune out the dead stems or wood which can attract insects or diseases around your plants. Invest in a sharp pair of secateurs and learn how to prune properly to encourage better growth and flowering in your plants.

Mulching – You can add a layer of organic or non-organic material around your plants to retain the moisture and keep weeds away from your plants. This also helps in adding some nutrients in the soil if you use good quality organic materials for the mulch.

Supporting – Some plants and young trees need support or staking to prevent them from getting blown away with harsh winds. You can either buy plant supports or make them at home to keep plants healthy and safe in your garden.

Protecting – Many gardens have some tender plants that will need special protection during winters or harsh weather conditions. You can move them in a greenhouse if they are planted in garden planters. If you don’t have a greenhouse, you can wrap them in a specialized fleece that can provide a good protection against the weather.

Along with love and care, you must give your plants ample of water and sunlight to keep them healthy and glowing. Know your plants inside out, and you will surely be able to take excellent care of your gardens!