(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko

(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko

The development of baby bones is extremely important for the health of the baby. Every single pregnant woman should think about how to make the baby bones strong. This is very important for the development of the baby skeleton. This means that straightening the bones of your baby is the development of your baby. The best thing that can help the pregnant woman to strengthen the bones is definitely the calcium. Calcium is what we need for bones not only in case of babies but also for adults. We have this in the very last stage of pregnancy. The need for this is great within the last 3 months of pregnancy. If the pregnant woman does not provide the baby with enough calcium, then the baby will absorb all the things that he or she needs from the mom’s bones. So actually this in its turn means that the woman will also need calcium for herself. So that is the reason why the pregnant women must think about having calcium not only for the baby but for her as well. So now let’s see what you can do in order to have all the necessary calcium.

The very first thing that can help the pregnant woman with calcium is of course the food rich in calcium. There is a tendency that pregnant women absorb the calcium better than the women who are not pregnant. So just try to eat the food which is rich in calcium. Now let’s see what the top foods are for the bones.

  • The very first product that contains great amount of calcium is the milk. Milk is great choice for calcium. However, the raw milk is extremely dangerous for bacteria. That is the reason why we would advise you to check the milk and make sure it is not raw.
  • Almonds are also quite good source of calcium. Though you have to know that almonds contain too much calories, which may contribute to your weight gain. That is the reason why you should eat almonds but only a few of them.
  • Sardines as well contain quite good amount of calcium, which makes them even healthier. Besides sardines are fish, so they will be great choice for pregnant woman in many ways.
  • Salmon also is rich in calcium. It approximately contains 883 mg of calcium, which makes salmon super good for bones.
  • Dark leafy greens also are quite rich in calcium. The spinach, Curly Kale, Turnip greens and others in fact contain much more calcium than any other greens.
  • Low-fat cheese is another option for pregnant women to make the bones stronger. The thing is that cheese is made of milk, and milk is quite rich in calcium. So just choose law-fat cheese and it will help you greatly.
  • Broccoli is knows for many good qualities, one of them for calcium. This makes broccoli one of the best products for bones.
  • Orange, tangerine, kiwi and lemon are the fruits that contain the highest calcium. Therefore you have to use these fruits in your meal.


You can have the calcium hubs as well, just because they are quite popular and many people use them for teeth even. However, you can provide enough calcium for your body and for your baby as well. That is the reason why we definitely advise you to use these products quite often and to have them permanently because they will help you to make the bones more rigid and strong. As we already said having strong bones is important. The bones build up the skeleton of the baby and this in its turn makes the baby develop. So basically bones and skeleton are the basis of baby organism. In order to have a strong and healthy body the babies need to have enough calcium. As already mentioned before, if the pregnant woman does not provide the calcium for the baby, then the baby will take all the necessary things from mom’s bones. In fact many pregnant women because of this lose their teeth. In order to escape such scenario, you just have to eat the food which is rich in calcium. We already gave you the top list of products rich in calcium. Enjoy!