(c) Can Stock Photo / peshkova
It is a general truth already that you do not need to have much money in order to have your startup. Of course some people think that money is all you need in order to be successful in startup but this is not right as previous experiences showed that some of the greatest startups ever were set with very lost investments. This gives us the hint to think that actually you do not need to be rich and make a lot of investment in order to make sure that you succeed. In this article we will courage the people who do not have much money but who have the idea and really want to have successful startup by giving examples of top startup ideas with very low investments.
One of the top startup ideas ever have been the recruitment services. They just got the base of labor market, helped people to find a job and in this way they earned money. This might sound not to inviting but actually in some countries with huge labor market it did work out well.
Another top startup idea with low investment is party planning. Why is party planning great because it does not take almost any investment. Of course there are thing that should be hired and bought but actually once you get your money from the client you can use it for that and earn some money as well. A lot of startups were quite successful in this but they were set in metro cities. So if you are from a metro city then this can really be a great choice.
Another successful startup idea is the idea of having your translation office. You can do this even at home with your friends. Each of you can take several materials for translation and translate. This is not very difficult to do and this is how a lot of big companies were set for translations.
Another startup idea with allow investment is having your own language Centre. You can negotiate with people who know languages and find clients for them. Once you get some income you can buy you an office. This is also a very great startup idea which did work.
Another startup top idea is the idea of setting your own photography company. This is easy to do, you just can hire photographers, find them clients and send them to the clients. You can keep each photographer for specific kind of photo shoot even. A lot of companies were set like this and they were also quite successful because in many countries during special events people hire professional photographers.
Another top startup idea with low investment is the investment in having your own driving school. If you know driving or if you and your friends know driving you can easily teach people to that and then get money in return. Once you have some income you can keep and office and make it bigger. Just look how much successful driving schools earn. They make big money because driving is important for a lot of people and therefore it is a very interesting and money making business.
Fashion consulting company is another top startup idea. These kinds of companies are not so many in number but they are normally very successful. The thing with this kind of company is that you have to set it in the country where people like to pay attention to how they look, how they dress. This is very important as in some Arab countries where there is strict dressing code or where people do not care much about their looks, this will not suit. You have to find a country where it will work, but if you find such place, then it will work for sure as this is really a top startup company. You do not even have to make any investment in it but to have a place where you can meet with friends. Besides this it is also very fancy making images for people and giving them advice on how to look in order to look great. As an entrepreneur you will also get a good name for being very fashionable and there is a chance to become very famous.
These are the top 7 startup ideas which will turn your small ideas into big money and will make you quite successful. There has been a lot of people that chose these paths and became very successful. However you should think well about all the details, try to understand what you really need, try to understand whether the location is good and some other things according to the business type that you choose. We hope that you got some inspiration and understood that in order to become successful entrepreneur you do not have to have a lot of money.