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It is very important to know where you are going to start your business, what the country is that you will trust enough to start your business in. Today we are going to discuss what the countries are that are not suitable if you want to have your startup there. Of course it is important to know about the top countries you should start the business in, but also equally important where you should not start your business. In this way we are going to talk about everything that keeps those countries away from being good enough for your startup. Actually to understand whether the country is good for your business or no, you should know about the rules governing the market, the demands and a lot of other factors which are really key to the development of any startup. So let’s start understanding it all.
- Among the top worst countries for startup is the Democratic Republic of Congo. Why? Because registering business in the Democratic Republic of Congo takes about 155 days and having gained funding is very difficult. Besides this, another challenge is that actually exports and imports are very pricey and the taxes are very high. So if you want to have your startup just keep in mind that the Democratic Republic of Congo is not the best option for it.
- Another top worst country for startup is definitely the Central African Republic where the registered business must start from around 2000 Although it takes just 14 days to register business, the imports and exports are quite expensive, around 5000 dollars per container. That is the reason Central African Republic is also not the best one for startup.
- Another top worst startup country is an African Guinea-Bissau country which requires around 2000 dollars to register a business. The construction prices are very high and the laws governing the labor market are very rigid because of which it is extremely inconvenient to start business here.
- Another country which is really not suitable for startup is Burundi. The country is really poor and it takes around 9000 dollars to register a business. There are some certain technical limitations which are also really bad and pricey for any startup.
- Another top worst country for having your startup in is Chad. The thing is that it is extremely difficult to trade around Chad and it usually takes more than 3 months to import something. The costs of import are around 6000 dollars and of export of around 5000 dollars. The construction prices re also quite high and the permission of registering business takes around 5000 dollars from your budget.
- Another top worst country for startups is definitely Venezuela. Venezuela has very strict labor laws because the employees can not dismiss the workers for some economic reasons. This makes things very difficult. Venezuela also requires quite expensive taxes and this is also very hard to deal with for entrepreneurs. Therefore if you think Venezuela is a good country for business, then you should change your mind.
As you can see these are the worst countries for having the startup in. The thing is that most of the people who want to start the business do not even think about the location and whether the country where they want to start the business is good for it or no. They just simply want to start the business and it is not very clear how they choose a country for it. Some people just want to start in their own country whether it is good or no. Some other people want to move and start the business somewhere else but they also do not really know for sure whether it is a good country or no, they just like the country and think that it is good for business. In fact not all the countries are very good for business. There are some countries which are really good like Tunis, Russia, Poland, Beijing and other places. While another group of countries that we have introduces earlier in this article are not suitable for business at all. Normally those countries which are really very bad for startup are the ones that include high tax prices, high prices for registering a business and at the same time very harsh labor market and not good conditions for import and exports. All these factors can identify whether the country is a good one or bad one for startup. Think really well and wise about the location of your business. You can have the greatest plan ever but if you do not have the right location with the right conditions then you can fail and the opposite is also possible. Your business idea may not be very creative but if you choose right country you can succeed.