(c) Can Stock Photo / alphaspirit
Ever have asked yourself how this person stay motivated and full of energy every time you see him? Do you feel like you are always tired, bored and don’t have the wish of doing and trying something new? Well, you are obviously lacking some motivation, which the people called leaders are always able to find. If you are now asking yourself: “Where?” and “How?”, we are here to give an answer to your questions.
- Leaders always have their thoughts organized
If you feel like you are losing yourself and the motivation you have, start paying careful attention to your thoughts. Make sure they are organized and you still know exactly what you want and where you go. If you start having the feeling that your thoughts are somewhere else, try some exercises to get concentrated on the thing you do. If you are generally in the situation where you don’t follow your thought at all, then take a day off and start with understanding yourself and your thoughts, organizing them and then only continuing your way.
- Leaders always know what is their priority
True leaders know in which place is their job, family, beloved one, bills, project and team and so on and so forth. They know it exactly. And with the help of knowing this, they are able to solve everything easier than you would imagine. If you would lose your energy on the thing that is not a priority, leader would just take it easy and find a solution for that spending less energy. This is not because leader would care less, but because small problems don’t need to be exaggerated and the opposite. Knowing the place of everything helps you organize your feelings accordingly.
- Leaders always set goals
Leaders always know what they are working for. However, it is also okay not to have a goal, but continually work (obviously, this works only in special cases). True leaders always find their goal, are having a vivid destination towards which they are walking. This helps them to be motivated every time they are tired in the half way.
- Leaders understand for whom they work
When we are working we don’t usually understand for whom we work. Even if we are working in the company and have a boss, we should clarify are we working for our boss or for ourselves? The answer of the leaders is usually: for ourselves. If you continue thinking that you are spending empty hours seating at the office and looking at the notebook – well, you will really continue just seating at the office and doing some responsibilities. However, if you understand that you are working for yourself, you will take everything you can from the place you are. New people and communications, new language and practices, new skills and experiences: you can choose either not pay attention to those stuff or take them as a motivation for even the most boring job.
- Leaders eat healthy and exercise
If you want to be really energetic, you should also start having a healthy lifestyle. Start eating more vegetables and fruits and exercise more. First, waking up early in the morning and doing a workout (doesn’t matter whether you are practicing yoga or going to a fitness), will help your brain wake up earlier. It will help you stay tuned to the life, give more time to organize your thoughts and will, of course, improve your physical state of body. Healthy food, in its tern, will improve your digestion and will give more energy during the day.
If you liked these tricks that leaders are used to do, start implementing them as well. After all, who knows, maybe those steps are the starting steps for your leader journey? Don’t hesitate with starting that journey with us and keep reading!