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Sometimes people do not think about what they are doing and they just feel like doing what they want to do without counting on their steps. This, however, can turn out to be very risky for those who started up. The thing is that actually you have to really be careful with every step that you make in your startup because they can have some really severe consequences on you. In this article we are going to discuss your mistakes of startup and which are the mistakes that you should never ever do. So let’s start understanding this all.
- First of all a very big mistake is the bad location for your business. The thing is that if you choose a bad location for your business then for sure it is not going to work. That is one of the worst mistakes that entrepreneurs commit. For example if you open a lawyer’s office in front of police station that is really smart. However sometimes people become really stupid with the choices of their location and it just destroys the startup.
- Hiring bad workers is another problem which can turn your startup into a real disaster. The thing about this is that actually you choose your workers only by sympathy then it is going to harm your business so badly. Of course you should like the people that you will employ, they must look nice to you and you must really want to work with them but only the looks and interesting personality is not just enough to become a good worker. They must have the qualities as well. Half of your business does not depend on you but on your workers and from this point of view you really have to be careful with the choice of the people who trust the work of your company.
- Another big problem is not having a target group. You must know who you work for. If you work for everyone then you are going to fail for sure. You cannot simply please everyone and if you want to please everyone you have to be extremely diverse which is really hard. Even the most successful companies in the world do not work for everyone, they also have a specific target group. So what I have in my mind is that actually you should really be able to choose a target group for them. You should choose who you work for and why you work for her and him, what you can offer him or her. When you choose a target group it becomes easier for you to cope with what you have and you just simply become much better in everything that you do because you know the taste of your target group, so your work becomes more effective and easier at the same time.
- Another very big startup mistake is working on quantity and not on quality. People who want to get a lot of quick money usually do this. This is not right to do because you might lose your quality in so many quantities. It is better to work less but work with a higher quality then work for everyone but lose your quality. If you lose your quality eventually you are going to lose your quantity also. So in this case it is important to understand that it is like a chain reaction. It is better to have little quantity but higher quality and people are going to want to work with you for sure.
- Another big mistake which is typical to partnership is involving your workers into your quarrels. Do not let your workers see how you disagree with each other, how you cannot find a consensus. You should keep your workers away from your fights otherwise the workers will think that you do not work properly, and if even you do not work properly for your company, why should they work for your company? That is the reason why you should really be clever and try to hide all these things from your workers.
These are the things that you should be careful of when you start up. These are actually big mistakes and of course it is better to keep away from these mistakes and to just everything right. I know that it is hard to do everything right and that you have to careful and also it is not possible not to make a mistake because we are all humans and in fact we do make mistakes. However, try to be really clever, try to understand why these mistakes will ruin your potential and after that you will be more serious about your business. You will simply try to do your best in order to succeed.