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If after considering many things, trying different workouts you have decided to start your yogi life we are congratulating you with that great decision. After all, it always makes time and energy and efforts to make a decision of doing something continually. Especially if you have a certain goal to which you want to reach, for example losing weight or getting rid of the depression or just getting some motivation to life. With every yoga pose you will get closer and closer to your goal. However, sometimes having a goal is not just enough. Sometimes there are things, rules or tricks (if you would like to have that name) to which you have to follow in order to get a result. And here are some tips from us, which will help you in your yogi journey:
- Yoga is for connection
Well, you can take this differently, but with either meaning you take it, that would be right. Yoga is for connecting people, feelings, but most importantly yoga is for connecting you with yourself (if you are lost, of course). It always brings things together, so the idea that it just gives time to be alone and dive into one’s problems more and more can be omitted here. It does give time for being alone, but never lets you feel lonely.
- Breath is important
If you will take your class and go practicing your yoga many people will say (or won’t) that the right breath is really important. Don’t even try to not to take it seriously. Many people are just taking the poses, thinking that if they are doing the pose, then it’s okay. However, the poses are being fully implemented only if you are keeping the right inhaling and exhaling through the whole practice.
- Yoga is for everyone, really, EVERYONE
If you are hesitating to start your yoga journey just because you feel like unable of doing this or that pose, then stop here. What you need to know is that yoga is literally for everyone. It is not singing, being actor or a dancer for which you need some special talent, it is for everyone. You are practicing it for yourself, so choose the poses which you can do and make that step.
- Yoga is addictive
This one is a joke, of course, however, there is a part of reality in it. If you are starting your yoga practices be ready that you will get addicted to it and will want to try it again and again. Make sure you have enough time for it. Don’t just start doing some poses when you have 10 minutes free in a month and then drop it. It is okay, though, if you don’t have much time. You just need to organize it carefully.
- Yoga can be an important break
Between stressful events and situations, negative people and/ or feelings, yoga is a great break. It gives you the opportunity to stop and get the moment, feel the moment and going through it. If you tired of the life, job, class, community, city, your notebook, phone – doesn’t matter, yoga is excellent for taking a break and getting the stress out of you. So just take that break and get yourself motivated.
Remember these simple rules or tips when you decide to start your yoga practices. Of course, there are some other things as well, which are also important, like: choosing the right clothing, having the right mat, finding a good studio or finding an inspirational place for the yoga practice, finding a good music for it or decide whether you need it at all.
As you see, things about which you should think can be a lot, however, don’t stress yourself with those questions as well. Take that break again and dive into the wonderful journey of a yogi. Namaste!