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You may say: marketing stays marketing and despite some small changes, it stays the same for every company. And you may be right here, as the main tricks and ways of doing marketing are nearly the same for the most of the companies. However, the ecommerce is another world and most of the times in order to get into that world marketers should pass through many challenges and difficulties in order to reach a result and become successful. We have decided to discuss some of those challenges and show how you can overcome them.
Lack of trust
Most of the ecommerce businesses are always lacking trust. If you think, well this is 21st century and everyone is purchasing things online. And you may be right here too. However, remember what you are doing when you want to buy something online. Most of the times you will either purchase it from the e-commerce website that you are familiar with, or if you have to buy it from a new place, you will check it several times. You may start with reading the reviews of the products, asking some people who have used the website and how they liked it. In other words, you will have that lack of trust and will try to know as much as possible. In order to lose in this battle of trusting and not trusting, there are several things you should do:
- Include proper information into the website: your clients should get exact answers to the possible answers they will have about purchasing the items. That is why having a FAQ page is very important to provide the necessary information.
- Include reviews into your website – make sure you have the section of reviews in your website where your customers will write about their experience. Most probably you will exclude the reviews which are negative and here comes the third point.
- Try to be trustworthy – In other words, if you are good at your job and your customers do get what they purchase they will get satisfied. This means they will write good reviews, new people will see those ones and will start trusting you too. As you see everything is connected with each other, which means it’ s all about the job you do.
A lot of SEO is another challenge
Another challenge of the ecommerce websites is that it requires a lot of SEO. While most of the other websites have less pages and do not require much to be done, e -commerce websites have thousands of pages and each of them should be optimized. Totally you should:
- Add the meta titles, descriptions and keywords for each of the product pages or at least the most important ones – if you want your clients to find your products, then those pages should be optimized. Add the meta titles, descriptions and keyword for the page to be optimized.
- Use the focus keyword for each page- decide with which keyword you want the page to rank with and use that keyword both in the content of the page and in meta-s.
- Optimize the images of the page – every product page will have an image, so make sure you are including alt texts to your images as well, so that you will be visible in image search results as well.
Mobile usability
Most of the times people will do their purchases through mobile. That is why most of the companies are optimizing their websites for mobiles as well. Especially, in case of the e-commerce, you will most likely come across to that many comments which want your website to see optimized for mobiles. This is what will make the job of the clients easier and will help them make their purchases with just several steps, without delaying it. So, all you have to do is making your e-commerce website usable via mobile as well. Check your website to see whether it is mobile friendly, if not make sure to fix all of the possible errors that you have got there. Your clients will be definitely satisfied with the changes you make on this.
Different languages
It can be normal that the website of the local business has only one language and that the content is in that single language. However, if you are an e-commerce, being available only in one language shouldn’t work for you. This means you should go on with creating different languages tab for your website and starting with finding translators. See from which country most of your visitors are and if it is Spain, for example, start creating the Spanish version of the website. You can later go on with translating it into different languages and become available for more and more people. Include the languages which are most popular for your website and which will help your clients be more calm in their steps.
Social ads
And finally another challenge of the e-commerce is social ad-s. Though for many websites social ads are still difficult to be used for, e-commerce makes it even more difficult. However, all you have to do is clarifying which of your items are the most important ones. separate them and create list for which you are going to create sponsored posts. Just creating a list of your priorities will make the things to be easier.
Those are some of the challenges that everyone working with the e-commerce website will meet. However, you should always remember that all of the challenges are always there to be overcame and we believe you can do that. Just follow those steps and you will make the things much easier. Good luck!