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You probably have read a lot about yoga and the beneficial effects that it may have. And if you have started practicing yoga, that means you are following one particular goal. It can be either getting rid of the stress or everyday hassles, or to forget something, or to relax and enjoy the life, or get motivation for something and a lot more. As you see, the reasons can really be a lot. One of those reasons is getting rid of bad habits.

Well, here is a nice news: if you are already admitting that you have a bad habit and want to get rid of it, then that is the most important first step you have already done. In each and every problem, first thing people always need to do is looking at the problem’s eyes and realizing that it is their problem. Whenever this is done, the solutions are easy to be found. If you feel like this sounds too difficult, then we will tell you about the 3 bad habits you can get rid of through yoga- obviously if you choose yoga as a means for that.


  1. Quit smoking through yoga

Smoking has become a popular topic recently with many campaigns showing the smokers the bad and negative effects it may have. However, today we are not going to speak about its negative effects. What we are going to discuss is: Why do we really smoke? If not counting the addiction, remember the times when you smoke: is that when you are angry? Stressed or worried? Those are all natural feelings and what smoking does is bringing calm to our minds and relaxing us. Imagine there is another thing you can do every time you are stressed: Yoga. Make a plan of a yoga poses, which are especially good for the stress and any other reason which makes you smoke. Try to find that calmness and relax through yoga and little by little you will feel that yoga helps as much as smoking may help, even more.


  1. Stop underestimating yourself through yoga

If you are having some problems with knowing and estimating yourself as you are, yoga again comes as a helpful hand to you. Many people are now having problems with underestimating themselves and are not sure about their real abilities, skills, emotions and themselves totally. Even speaking about the real abilities they have would somehow sound strange, because they think they are exagerating things and are not worth of good words. If you feel like that is not a problem, we assum that it is. Everyone should udnerstand himself/herself and if you don’t, just try yoga. The time that you will spend doing some yoga asanas, will help you taking a deep breath and staying with yourself in silence. It will help you either find a peace with yourself in silence or ask you questions, which will help you more with understanding yourself.

  1. Don’t let your goals at the half of the road

Many people, who have a lot of goals are somehow not ready to go till the end. Is that because of a low self-esteem again, or lack of motivation? Whateve it is, we believe this is a bad habit, which can get a solution again through yoga. Try to choose the poses which are great for motivation, which will give you energy to continue and reach the end and see the results, see your goal. What you have to do is to try it and see how motivational and energizing it can be.


Yoga can be great for kicking off other bad habits as well. However, all we have to do is just starting and making a step to that world. When done, new and more opportunities will be opened and we will then look back at our bad habits with a pride to ourselves.