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There are different kinds of bags nowadays and we are really given a great choice for that. If you think that bag is not something designed for men then you are out of time. Nowadays there is a great choice for handbags and bags for men. Of course bags were always regarded as something designed more for women than for men. However, still this is a very controversial topic, because bag is something which everyone needs. So some women do not like it seeing men with bags, while others love it, and consider the men who wear handbags to be very stylish. So let’s understand in reality, are they stylish or not? Then let’s discuss the tips for handbags or bags.
First of all the matter of gender I think is of no importance. Both men and women can carry things with them so they both extremely need something to put their things in. We know that women had handbags and bags for centuries, but the men were largely overlooked at this point. So i think that men absolutely should wear bags in order to keep neat and not look messy. The bag will help them carry all the staff easier and be more organized.
Just because men have been largely overlooked from the point of bag choices, therefore they did not have many options. Even nowadays, men can have some options for bags, but compared to women’s choice they are not many. So now let’s understand what kind of bags men can have and where they can wear them and how to choose them with the style.
- SO the very first type of bag which can be really good option for men, is the backpack. The backpack is the most masculine kind of bag ever. It is very casual and practical. So we would recommend you to have a stylish backpack for daily affairs, for university and some other staff. Besides this, the backpack is something very comfortable and unlike other kinds of bags it does not harm the back. So you can wear the backpack with jeans and with casual cloths. However, the backpack cannot be worn with suit or other official and classy kind of looks. They are totally different and will not match to each other.
- The classic gym bag is also quite a good option both for casual and daily affairs and also for gym or for any other sport activities. While you are going to gym or to your sport complex, you need to have something to put the cloths in, and at the same time to look good. So the gym handbag is just the perfect option in this case. Of course you will not wear the gym handbag with classy clothes. They are designed to be matched with sport clothes.
- The briefcase is another option for men. The briefcase, unlike the other ones, is very classic and stylish at the same time. You can never see briefcase of vivid and bright colors. Usually they are black, brown or blue. The reason for this is that the briefcase is always worn with classy clothes and corresponds to suit look.
- The next option for men handbag is the messenger bag. The messenger bag comes from old times and still it is popular. This is nice alternative for backpack and is something which can be worn with both classy and casual clothes. If you have the leather messenger bag, then you can wear it with suit of other official look, while if you have casual kind of look, then you will just have to wear the messenger bag of bright colors and the one made by casual material not leather.
As you see of course men are not given such a big choice of handbags as men. However, still men have some quite nice options with bags, and they definitely can have the best look with the bags they want to have. The key thin in order to choose the best bag for men is just the occasion. You have to know what kind of bag wear for what kind of occasion. We already told you all about that and we also told what bag to combine this or that kind of look. So just follow the tips and you will have a really good result.