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Being a parent is such a big pleasure for both men and women. Actually you should feel really honored and blessed to be able to be called a parent. There are many and many parents in this world but not all of them can be called parent for sure. Young people think that parenting is easy and many take it as something superficial, however, in reality, it is not so. Parenting is one of the most difficult things probably on Earth and you should know all the ways how to become a great and an awesome parent for your child. Parenting means putting aside your ego, taking responsibility, understanding the child, and being by the child’ side and also it has pretty much to do with being an awesome husband or woman. Actually being a parent means having a continuation of your own personality, which I think is a high pleasure. Many fathers and mothers choose wrong ways on how to bring the child up, they love the child and very often spoil him or her. However loving does not mean only spoiling and giving everything they want. Loving is caring and putting them on the right path. You should be able to raise up the kid, take care of everything that he or she does, and at the same time you are responsible for what kind of person he will grow.  If you are an awesome parent, you most likely will succeed in having a good child and a good person. So let’s see how you can become a cool and awesome parent.

  1. First of all set rules for them and discipline their lives. It is important to understand that discipline is not a punishment at all. However it makes the child more punctual and less messy in everything she or he does. If you are able to teach and make the child used to punctuality it would be great, because the child would appreciate all the extra moment in life.
  2. Do not try to make thing too much easier for child. Instead, make small puzzles for him or her and let the child solve them. I am sure the child will just love it, and will consider you as an awesome parent, because you consider him or her as pretty much grown up and let him or he make own decisions. This for sure will be appreciated by the child.
  3. You should also play with the child. Remember that your child is just a child and it is not only about freedom and other adult things. You child wants to have fun time with you. So depending on the age of child make some cool activities. If he likes football then play with him outdoors, if she likes cooking, then cook with her and spend some quality time with the child. Go to camping, to beach and to mountains. Let him or her see the world in large horizons. This will make the gap between you and your child less and less.
  4. Create your own rituals based on your family preferences. It is not only about ritual that will make you an awesome parent. Think of one specific thing that will make you different parent from other parents and that will be the most popular feature of you among your children. Besides ritual think of family traditions as well. This will cut out the distance between the child and parent.
  5. Let the child do own things, but set some limits. Limiting at certain points helps to rise up a better person, and also when you set some clear limits, they will help your child in understanding what good is and what bad is. At the same time, the child will respect you more, because you set some limits, and you always explain why. This will make you an awesome and caring parent.
  6. You should encourage your kids in everything they do. When the child sees that the parents believe in him and encourage him to achieve more, he starts loving them even more. Besides, this will lead your child to motivation for success.
  7. The last and probably one of the most important tips is that you should be your child’s best friend. Sometimes tell things that are your secrets and see that the child also started trusting you, and he or she already takes you as not only a parent, but as he best friend. Moreover, you are not a best friend, but also a role model and the ideal person.


These are the 7 tips that will help you to become a cool and awesome parent for your child. Of course these tips are not enough. You should invest your personality in the child. That is how you will be an awesome dad and mom.

Take care and awesome parent!

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