Today, in twenty first century Armenia is a small country in the crossroads of Europe and Asia, lying between the East and West. Nowadays not all people know much about Armenia and the giant role of the Armenian civilization on the entire world heritage. All we have right now is a country which is often called tiny and weak. However, Armenia passed through long and tough history and this fact must be emphasized. Because of Armenia’s geopolitical situation whoever did not went through Armenia, whoever did not want to conquered this land, still it is standing alone and independent. However, not Always Armenia was as small as it is today. There was a time when Armenia was a world known Kingdom and all the major countries in the world had to take into the consideration of Armenian Kingdom’s power and role in international affair. Armenia gave birth to a child named Tigran. Later he become Tigran the Great, the king who was internationally recognized as being a powerful king and who also wore the title of “king of kings”. He ruled during 95 to 55 BC. And he was known to be the strongest Armenian king ever. He is one the holy symbols of Armenia because under his power, Armenia become the strongest country in Roman East.
He was a representative of Artaxias dynasty, but he lived in Parthia because he was given as a hostage to Parthian king . Soon, as he grew up he his desire for freedom grew stronger and he finally purchased freedom. After coming back to his kingdom, where he was the legitimate king, he took on the step of enlarging Armenia, of taking back Armenia’s lost territories and also conquering what was not Armenia. He enrolled into alliance with of Pontus king, by marrying his daughter Cleopatra.
Soon after the king of Parthia dies, and The Parthian empire weakened, Tigran the Great started to reconquer the territories that have been lost and to unite over one country, the Armenian kingdom. The neighboring countries such as Atropatene, Osroene and others become the vassals of Tigran the Great and The Armenian Kingdom. In this way he spread his influence and power all around the territory and world recognized him as powerful king. He won the title of “king of kings” and therefore, he was known to be much more than just a king. He governed other .kings and they served him. In fact he was the leader of leaders. There was only one threat to Tigran’s kingdom. He built a big kingdom and constructed a new city called Tigranakert, influenced by his name Tigran. Tigranakert become the capital city of Armenian kingdom. The Armenian kingdom in its turn was so big that it reached from Caspian sea to Mediterranean sea . The Armenian kingdom under Tigran the Great was a multiethnic country, comprised not only of Armenians, but also of other nations. It was a mixture of people, ethics, cultures and traditions. To be able to unite so many different cultures he had to create something which would serve as one for all of them and the nations would have been untied over one country. Otherwise, if the people did not unite over one ideology and culture, there was a treat that the country will split into many and many peaces. That is the reason what integration process was very important from Tirgran’s estimations. So Tigran put all his efforts into bringing one ideology in the whole kingdom and make it one.However, there was not only this domestic problem but also another, outer problem. That was the Roman Empire under Lucullus. Roman Empire at the time was also a very powerful one just like the Armenian Kingdom. They were competing with each other in the sphere of influence on the world and Tigran the great knew that the battle was soon going to take place and that the Roman Empire was going to invade Armenia. Thus he also put his efforts into the foundation of one powerful army. However, this was a long lasting and difficult process which required much time, which Tigran did not really have. The Roman armies were coming closer and closer. Under the pressure of domestic problems of integration and of outer problems with Roman Empire Tigran’s situation was going to be tough. So, in 69 BC Roman armies invaded Armenia as Tigran predicted. The final battle took place in Tigranakert, the capital of the Armenian kingdom, where Tigran the Great was defeated by Lucullus, in 69 BC. Oct. 6. Thus, Tigran the Great lost almost everything he had. The domestic problems and issues took too much from Tigran’s attention and time, and he did not really prepare well for the battle with the other greatest empire of the world. He lost almost everything the way he gained it. However he lost it with pride. He still did not become the vassal of Roman Empire. The suggestion between the Lucullus and Tigran the Great was that Lucullus would take all the territories that Tigran the Great conquered, however who would not take the ones that were pure Armenian and that belonged Armenians always. That was the only thing Tigran could do and the only way to keep his pride. He also lost the title of “kings of kings”. After his defeat to Lucullus Tigran the great 10 years longer in Armenia and then, after his death, his son Artavasdes the Second took the throne and become the king of Armenia.
Despite the fact that Tigran the Great lost all the territories that he had conquered and despite the bitter defeat that he had from Lucullus, he still continues to be the holy symbol of Armenia and he is still one of the best kings Armenians ever had, and still many and many Armenians call their sons Tigran, as an honor to Tigran the Great. The name of Tigran the Great and his personality associates with pride, victory , power and influence, with independent soul, freedom desire and with being a warrior.
Though he was defeated, he was a winner by character, who was able to create Kingdom on ruins and to make the world once again think about the power of Armenians and their county. He won titles and he lot titles but he never lost his pride. He remains to be the National hero of Armenia. He is deep in history, but he is still remembered and honored. He was one of those kings that made Armenians be proud of the fabulous history that they once had and be proud to be the heirs of the land that we live in.