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Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic which can be a matter of a lot of misunderstanding. The thing is that actually being a CEO and being an entrepreneur are quite different and therefore we must understand the differences between what the entrepreneur is and what the chief executive officer is. In this way only you will be able to understand what we exactly mean when we say you should think like an entrepreneur and work like CEO for your success. Actually CEO can be named in so many other names of positions as manager director, president or as simply executive. Of course the role of CEO is not the same in all the companies. The role of CEO is different from one country to another one. It depends on the structure and on the size of the company as well as on many other features. For example in small companies CEO is making a lot of daily business decisions, hiring stuff, while in larger companies CEO is more involved in large-scale business development program. CEOs are the ones who create the image of the organization, who make it up to the fame and very often they themselves become very famous. CEO in fact is responsible for all the kinds of operating steps of the company and that means that CEO is the operating mechanism and the driving force of the company. Many people mix the terms CEO and CFO, which is chief financial operator. The latter is more focused on specific filed, of finances. While the CEO operates in larger scale including finances as well, CFO i more focused on finances only but in much more detailed way.
So what is the difference between the entrepreneur and between the CEO? Actually it is quite possible the entrepreneur becomes the CEO himself. The thing is that the entrepreneur is the one who sets the company and the company belongs to him. This means that he takes most of the part of the income and he hires the CEO. So the CEO works under the entrepreneurs. While very often we can see that the entrepreneurs themselves become the CEOs of their companies just because they really love to work and they work for the sake of their companies. They do it, because they want to operate and manage the most important things when it comes to their own company and they want to do it all themselves, the way they want, with their own tactics. Another thing when it comes to the issue of entrepreneur and CEO is that they actually have to be leaders. Both the entrepreneur thing and the CEO thing requires being a true leader so as to take the people after you and it is no wonder that there is no other way than that. It is just necessary to be a leader because if you are not a leader then you simply cannot do great.
Now why do we say that you should think like an entrepreneur and wok like CEO? How does the entrepreneur think? The entrepreneur thinks and makes decisions only for the sake of the company. The company is a god for the entrepreneur and anything must be done for the company if it benefits the interests and contributes to the development of it. This actually means that it is quite natural that you should forget about many personal morals and try to do anything for the company, to open new doors and to just live for it. You must understand that your goal is clear cut and it is not benefit the company and to develop it. Now, how working like CEO is like. Working like CEO means that you must work as a machine. It means that you must lead the company, you must think about everything in no time, you must be really careful about your strategy and you simply must work a lot and on everything. The CEO is the person who takes into consideration every single thing and working like CEO means working so much in details which is really hard to do but if you manage to do it very well then the success is not far at all.
AS you can see, it is not so difficult to understand the difference between these two and the differences of these 2 terms as well as their obligations and duties. The CEO is the next most important and influential person when it comes to company and definitely it is a great position. All you have to do is to learn how to think like an entrepreneur and not be lazy to work like CEO. This is the key to success.be it a CEO or the entrepreneur, be a good one!