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You may have read a lot that leaders are the one who not only create and motivate themselves, but also share and motivate others. In other words, leaders do not just take, mostly they are givers. As a true leader you should know some of those things you should always try, in order to motivate your team, friends and people in general.
So make some habits out of those suggestions to be more involved into your community and become more motivational.
Here are some things that motivating leaders would do:
Listen to others and give feedback – People like when they are heard and if you are showing them that their ideas are important both to you and the company they will start work better. Give them feedback on their ideas and suggestions, build a bridge of communication, so that your employees won’t be afraid of telling you something.
Are enthusiastic and share it with others – if you have a vision, share it with others. Let your employees and colleagues feel what are you all working for. When you are making them the part of the whole idea, doesn’t matter whether the idea is yours and the achievement will be named as yours, make sure they feel enthusiastic of what they are doing.
Appreciate people – Make sure besides sharing the enthusiasm you are also showing that you appreciate them. This doesn’t mean sending everyone a present or telling it every day. However, some simple gestures and words of appreciation once in a while would be really great. People do like when their work is noticed and not taken as granted.
Try to make it clear – What leaders usually like doing is making everything clear, thus make it easy. Let your employees know what they are working on, let them know the goal that you are all following. Help them with prioritizing the things and state them clearly the parts of the jobs which are not done properly. Discuss the things in order to get a success, because the opposite case usually brings to confusion. Imagine a situation where your employee tries hard to do something and has no idea that it shouldn’t be done that way. When you don’t say something, what you have as a result is a bad job done and a further anger on the employee. What the employee has? A normal job done (because you didn’t tell that it wasn’t good enough) and non-understandable bad reaction from your side. Speaking and making it clear is a best solution out of this situation, where you will both understand the final goal you want to reach and make it clear what and how should be done for that.
Support everyone – Comparing to other people, leaders know how they became a leader. This gives them an advantage of knowing what are people going through in order to reach something. That is why true leaders are always there for supporting new ideas and people. Are you a start-up? True leaders will encourage you with going further and further with your ideas. Even if you don’t get a financial investment, you will definitely get a great piece of advice from someone who understands you. This is because he was once in your place and knows exactly what you feel. Giving support to people is really sometimes invaluable help, because you give people hope and motivation for the future. And this is how real leaders do.
This means, if you are there for helping people, encouraging them and motivating them, you will automatically see your development as well. When your employees are working with enthusiasm the results are 100% better when they are doing their to-do lists. So, make sure you are following these simple rules of helping and motivating people around you. Start giving people and you will gain from that more then you imagine. Good luck!