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For the mother who is having her first baby breastfeeding is a huge challenge. It’s natural that you can read a lot of articles and watch many videos about breastfeeding before delivery. But you will never understand or know what will happen in reality when you hug your baby for the first time. Especially when they are bringing your baby to you already crying and you know your baby wants and needs eating and you are getting into panic.
Here we are: presenting you the first thing a new mom should know. The first thing is the right way of hugging the baby. You should bring closer the baby to your breast to make it easy both for you and your baby. As an aid you can put a pillow under the baby. You should hug the baby with one hand in a way that your hand will totally hug whole baby’s body and the head of the baby will be on your elbow. Be careful to the ear which is on that side, not to be folded and disturb the baby. So, have her on your one arm? With the other hand you will help the baby to get his/her food. While your baby is eating, be careful to your babies nose to be open and not be closed.
All of the new moms are usually worried about the fact: how will our child find the breast? But, be calm on this, when the baby is hungry, he/she will definitely find it. Depending on how hungry the baby is he may put the hand onto his mouth, so be attentive to take it down and breastfeed.
Another important factor is the milk and how much you have it. During the pre-delivery period there is being a certain amount of resin and baby is usually being fed with that during the first 3 to 5 days. So don’t worry if your child doesn’t get full and always feels like eating. Don’t get bothered with this as many mothers would do. Often there are cases when mothers are starting to mix their milk with some other ingredients, and those ones are usually not advisable. The mother’s milk has every necessary vitamin needed for your child, so don’t mix it.
Another important factor for breastfeeding, that you should know as a new mom, is how to provide your baby with the necessary milk. And this, of course, mainly depends how you eat and what is your daily diet. Starting from some special diets or just usual nutrition, everything has a role for the milk.
There are some researches stating that the mother should eat everything, so that the child will get used to every taste. However, most of the researches state that the following foods should be omitted from the diet of a mother:
- Tomatoes
- Strawberries
- Chocolate
This list can be continued with the foods which can be “gassy”. All of the other foods which can have allergic reaction should also be omitted. The breastfeeding mother should eat dairy products, not colored soups, boiled meat and drink a lot of liquid.
It should be noted that the use of dairy products is exceptionally important, because the calcium of the milk goes to the child. In order to protect the nails, and in general, just to get enough calcium is through dairy products.
Let us now discuss another interesting thing: Ever wondered how the child understands who is his mother and who is going to breastfeed him? It’s all about the connection of the baby with the mother through smell sense. The special exchange of pheromones, which later helps the baby recognize his mother. That is why babies of 6, sometimes even 3 days old, can differentiate whether it is the breast of their mother or not.
Another important thing to know for mothers is that baby can cry and be worried while breastfeeding because of the following reasons:
- Some gases inside
- Slow flow of the milk
- Fast flow of the milk
- hiccup
While the milk is flowing fast it may both disturb the baby, or help him get full more easily. During the hiccup, you should stop feeding. During some gases you should also stop feeding, make some exercises and then continue.
As a final touch: breastfeed your baby with love, talk to your child, because your baby listens to you, sees and understands. Have a good breastfeeding.