(c) canstockphoto
(c) canstockphoto

Sunday afternoon. She goes to zoo with her family members to just chill out and show pretty animals to her small cousins. Sounds nice, but the reality is sad. How many people like her went to zoo to see animals, to laugh at them, to take photos, to talk to them. Some of them even start to feed animals with some miserable food. At first we might think that this is a very good act, we are interested in animal life and we go to zoo, pay the money, go and wonder how big is the elephant, how aggressive are the lions, how ugly are some birds, how beautiful is the swan, how disgusting are the snakes, and at last how funny are the monkeys, but let’s go back to her.

All of the sudden when entering through the gates she noticed how sad the animals were. How cynical people were trying to take selfies with animals, posing next to the lions, and making fun of monkeys, throwing food on them, laughing at thin camels, which were probably dying out of hunger. Waiting for hippopotamus who was sinking into water, throwing popcorn to him, wanting to make a clone out of an animal, and then complaining and feeling bored that the animal did not pay attention to them.

From the very beginning she thought it was going to be a nice time spent in zoo with lovely people surrounded by nature and beautiful animals. All she saw were the sad eyes of animals looking disparate, with no emotions, with frozen cold eyes. Yes they are animals, and we call them animals. That is a word for these innocent creatures that a human being made up. Stupid word for beautiful creatures, which do nothing but live in zoo, wasting all their lives in prison. They are sentenced to life penalty. We think they are animals, they do not have brain, emotions and feelings, but they do have emotions. She saw that emotions in their eyes, but they were cold. You know why? Because they have a stronger brain then we humans do. They are so strong that they realize that they are in prison, and that some evils make fun of them, and realizing all these they do not do anything, they stay in prison, still do their job, the same people come and laugh at them, throw anything on them they want and then leave. Every day is the same scenario.  They are the best artists of all times and the best players, they play every day, every hour, every minute, they play the most natural game and they never fail their role.  They accept the reality they appeared in and that is where their straight is. One thing that no human can do is to accept the reality he is in, knowing that that reality is the worst thing that could have happened to him. Having no other means of reality, another alternative and choice for human being would probably be the suicide, while the animals do not commit a suicide, because they are so strong and powerful that they are to be considered more human then we, humans are.  Having seen all these things, she finally came up to the lake where the beautiful and elegant swans were swimming delicately. Most of them were purely black, they were also little cute yellow goose there swimming without their mom. But it was neither about the goose, nor about the black swans.

There was someone more special there, more unique, who had the saddest eyes, and the most beautiful face and body. She was the most delicate creature God ever created, but she looked as if she was not the prettiest, she looked as if she was in trouble. One of these troubles that you know is always with you but the one you can never get accustomed to, but you have to. That was the pretty white swan. She was in trouble; the lake was divided into two parts by a gate. She wanted to join other birds but she could not. She wanted to do it from the bottom of her heart but the choice was not hers. All she could do was swimming through the length of the gate and hoping that one day the gates will be open and she will be able to swim the direction she wanted to. That would not be freedom for sure, but that was the only thing she could dream of, they took her freedom and they took her space, the only things that were hers, the only thing that she thought no one could take was not hers anymore. And looking at this pretty white swan she thought of herself. That was kind of similar. Her eyes filled with tears, not for herself but because of the swan. She was still swimming from one edge of gate to the other still hoping that the gates will open.

After swan she went to the exit, and when she took a last glance at the zoo park. Nothing has changed. The people were the same, the animals were the same. People still were taking selfies, waiting for elephant, hearing the roar of lion, looking at the fight of bears, hearing the sounds of wolves, feeding the black hippopotamus, wondering how evil looks the anaconda and making fun of monkeys…but honestly, they looked funnier to her.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.