(c) Can Stock Photo / margouillat
There are people who like eating tasty food and if you are one of those people, then knowing that you should start planing a pregnancy diet, was somehow a shocking news for you. This is in can when you are used to having different courses per day and not limiting yourself in your eating. Even thinking about the fact that you should be eating according to some kind of plan and follow some rules, may sometimes be tiresome. However, there is one good news, on which we can all rely: we are not just limiting our eating habits, but making them healthy. Healthy eating is a vital thing, which, however we don’t follow in daily basis. It’s only when we learn that are pregnant or have some disease that we start thinking about that and make some changes in our eating habits.
And if you are here and reading this article, it means you are from the first group of people and when learnt that you are pregnant, you started searching and trying to switch your eating mood into the Healthy one. Nice job: Congratulations. This is a great start.
To make it easy for you we are now going to discuss the use of meat and its choice during the pregnancy.
Safe for eating?
Yes: As we talk about the meat and whether it is safe to be used during the pregnancy our answer will always be yes and have that little ”but” at the end. Meat is always prefered to be used, if it is properly cooked. Having said that we mean, that the meat should not be row or undercooked, because it can be a reason for a toxoplasma- getting a food poisoning. And food poisoning, which in its tern may bring to other difficulties if you are pregnant. However, we are not here to scare you, but having known this beforehand and making sure that the meat is properly cooked is the best option to have.
Things to do to escape the possible negative effects
There are several things that can be done in order to escape the food poising. For the beginning make sure you are following other higienic rules to which you should be more careful when pregnant. Those could be washing your hands when doing a dirty job or washing the ingredients of the dish twich more attentive then you would do before. Second thing to be careful to is to cook the meat until it is not pink any more (do not make it undercooked). Another option you can choose is using a thermometer and cook the meat like pork, lumb, beef etc. under Fahrenheit 145 degrees . This will help you be sure that the meat is properly cooked.
Grilled meat?
If you are also the lover of grilled or even blackened meat, here is a nice news to you: mostly, there is no harm eating grilled meat. So you can use it, however following some other simple rules here as well would never disturb. Firstly, if the sausages or burgers are black from the outside, that won’t still mean that they are very well cooked inside as well. Double check the inside of them as well before eating them. If you are grilling something, make sure to turn it very often and for escaping too much of fat, remove the visible ones from the meat before grilling it.
Those are some simple rules or pieces of advice that can be followed and which assure the continuation of your healthy pregnancy. Do not put yourself onto a strong diet of eating only vegetables, for example, but do not also overeat the things which are used to have some at least a little bit risk of a negative effect. Keep on reading and educating yourself about all the dos and don’t during and after the pregnancy and make your pregnancy period enjoyable