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Lipstick is one of the favorite cosmetic items for women. I know many young girls who can avoid using any kind of cosmetic item, but when it comes to lipstick, then they are just obsessed with it. Most of the girls just love lipstick. They do not use eyeliner or mascara, but they are just crazy about changing lipstick colors. Indeed, lipstick provides you with natural look, if you choose the plain colors. It just gives you a little bit of freshness and sparkle, at the same time making you feel really natural. On the other hand if you use the bright lipstick colors, like bright red, dark red or any other darks color and color shade, you will look more feminine and classy.  Lipstick is always a woman’s best friend, in any case, in any season and in every mood. We just like to change the lipstick colors according to our mood. However, in reality we do not think much about the impact lipstick has on our lips. Is the lipstick good for our lips and does it have any kind of impact on us? If it has then what kind of impact does it give? All these are questions that need to be answered later in this article. So let’s start our research.

First of all we need to worn all the girls that before buying a lipstick and before putting it on your lips, make sure the date is not expired. So once your lipstick is in date, let’s see what impact it may have.

The long use of lipstick can irritate our skin and be a cause of blackening the lips. When you do not clear the lipstick, some pigments of it still may be there on lips, and you may even sleep with it. So if you have those pigments long on your lips you may get your skin irritated. This is how the long use of lipstick can affect your lips.

Some lipsticks contain lead. This chemical element is dangerous for healthy and for skin particularly. This can cause cancer. That is why who should avoid by all means using that lipstick that may contain lead. You can even check by yourself whether there is lead in content of lipstick or not. Just put the lipstick on your head, then pass the golden ring over the part you put the lipstick on. If the lipstick turned into black, then there is lead in content of it, which is really dangerous, so just throw it away.

Basically most of the lipsticks are made of chemicals and actually the most important things when it comes to the use of lipstick are firstly to remember not to sleep with lipstick on your lips and secondly not to eat it, thirdly check the date and the content. Once you have even a small opportunity to clean the lipstick, just clean it, do not make it stay long on your lips. Otherwise you will have breakouts on you lips, the lips will become irritated and look awful. Check the date and make sure it is not expired, in order to avoid a dramatic scenario.

Then also make sure that you do not eat your lips. This may sound weird, but in reality many women while eating do not clean their lips and therefore they just eat all the chemicals. This is really bad for healthy. This means you give double trouble to you organism, not only putting chemicals for a long time on your lips, but you also eat them by making things even worse.

Also you have to put the lipstick carefully in order not to put it on the sides of your lips, which can harm the skin. Besides make sure there is no lipstick on your teeth. Some people put the lipstick in a way that parts of the lipstick are on teeth. This is really bad for teeth, as you can make them change their natural color and turn yellow. I am sure this is not something you like to do.

Thus, if you want to have healthy lips, then you should avoid using lipstick too much. I know it may be hard to do because as a woman I am also obsessed with lipstick, but as long as you want to have healthy lips you should make sure that you don’t overuse this cosmetic product and do not irritate your lips.

Take care of your lips and make sure you choose a good lipstick.

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