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Most commonly people think that parent’s job is to teach their children many things and to bring them up. This is very true, however, there are many things that children can teach their parents. Some people argue with this. They say that children are not so experienced than the parents and cannot teach anything to their parents. However, we do think that the children can really teach many things to their parents. Moreover, this thing exists quite well in son and father relationship. It is not a secret that usually sons really respect their parents. However, sons can also teach their fathers many things. So now let’s discuss the things that in reality sons can teach their fathers.
The very first thing that sons will teach to their fathers is being open-minded. Some fathers are really old-fashioned and are too conservative. So sons can help their fathers to somehow overcome the stereotypes and to reach the state of becoming open-minded. This is a very hard thing to do in reality. If you really want to have an open-minded and easy-going father, then you must try to teach him how to become. Of course from the very first look, it will seem impossible. However, if you try to do it and put all your effort into it then you will succeed for sure.
Another thing that sons can teach to their dads are the new kind of entertainment. Generations do change and the entertainments also change. So it would really have been great if you could take and show you father to new kind of entertainments and staff. Our fathers did many things when they were young. However, you should teach them being young even when they are not young. So this would be really an amazing experience, which will let you have lots of fun.
Besides this you can teach your father how to have young friends. You will start from yourself. You as a young person can become best friends with your father. Then you can make him be good friends with your own friends, and this is how he will become younger by soul. Then you will notice how he finds himself new friends and becomes extremely happy. He will be reborn again by soul. This is something that everyone wants. Besides it is also very important for old people to communicate with people of all ages.
So as you see there are not so many things that sons can teach their fathers. Undoubtedly sons should learn many things from their fathers and not teach. However, the son can teach the father a thing, which is extremely important for being happy. The son can teach him to be young. He can teach father how to play new fun games, how to get entertainment, how to party and how to find a new company of interesting people. These are all the things that sons can really teach their fathers the best.
On contrast with these fathers give sons the whole experience that they had. Fathers teach sons how to be gentlemen, how to love, how to treat the women and men also, how to be clever, well-rounded. They also kind of role models for their sons. So as you see both have something to give and to teach each other. So if you really have good relations with your son, and if you brought up a good son, then trust me he will also teach you many things when he grows up and becomes a young and clever person. So just take care of your relations. Since childhood fathers should play major role in the life of a son. In this case for sure you will see the impact of being a good father when you become older. Actually parents grow the children up and when they get old, the children take care of them in respect.