Cuisine: Spanish

Timing: 30 minutes

Cooking level:  easy

Nutrition: high

Spanish cuisine is known to be one of the best ones among some people. People do love it. It is light, chilling and at the same time delicious and hot. Spanish cuisine always stood out among other European cuisines in a good way. Unlike the French cuisine, which is more solid and delicate, the Spanish one feels kind of homey, and cozy.  That is probably the reason why most people love it. It is something spiritual and more than just the collection of traditional national dishes and would often remind you of homemade or mom made dishes. Tortilla is the inseparable part of Spanish cuisine and Spanish themselves just love tortilla. There are different kinds of tortillas but today we are focusing on the potato tortilla which we believe is the most delicious one. 

Tortilla or “torta” means round cake in Spanish language and that is why the dish in classical version has a round shape. Tortilla is an ancient dish and dates back to thousands of year before the Christ. SO let’s see what way we cook this dish.

For the amazing tortilla we need to have

700-800 grams of potatoes

4 tablespoon of oil

1 or 2 onion

4 eggs

1 tablespoon of salt

Wash the potatoes, slice them thinly or cut them into very small slices. Add some oil in preheated pan and fry the potatoes a little bit.

Then mix the eggs with chopped onion and add the potatoes there. Add it into pan and form a round shape with it like a cake. Then you have to cover the pan and fry from 10 to 15 minutes, and then turn it aside and fry on the other side.  The tortilla must turn a really nice golden color. While making it you have to be careful in order not to burn it, but at the same time you have to make sure that the potato is baked perfectly and that the dish is not raw.

Actually Spanish potatoes tortilla is also called Spanish omelet because of the presence of potatoes and eggs there. It sort of reminds of potatoes omelet where potatoes and more than eggs. 

The dish tastes amazing, it is delicate and there is no odd ingredient in the dish, everything comes together just perfectly. At the same time the dish feels super homey and something which will make you to fade away your hunger. 

The cooking level of the dish is actually very easy. The timing is also law. It will take you about 30 minutes to make this amazing dish, which makes us love it even more. It is easy, quick and delicious. The nutrition is high, because potatoes and eggs are brilliant ingredients when it comes to nutrition. 

Actually tortilla is an ancient dish, when it comes to corn tortillas, but the potato tortilla is kind of a modern version, which will make a perfect breakfast for kids and for adults also.

So if you want to have the Spanish feeling in your breakfast, make Spanish torta, or potato omelet. You can call it as you want.


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