“Some love stories aren’t about two people in love but about that one who immensely loved, failed and loved again. This is one such story of a woman (a stubborn child when it comes to him) who unconditionally loved or to put it in a right way is unconditionally loving now. This is a story of how this love made me realise what love is.. they say all is fair in love and war, I always thought it was just a saying until I experienced the madness.. I had been in love before I thought but I never knew what being madly in love is.. it wasn’t that I haven’t seen anyone as charming as him.. the sparkle in his eyes, the calmness on his face.. but there was something more that drew me towards him. I did not know what it was. Not that it was love at first sight nor that I knew him from ages but something kept pulling me towards him..

He knew I liked him, it was very evident, my behaviour around him whenever he came to the store. My face would light up when I used to see him. It wasn’t me blushing or anything but it was evident. It was on that one crazy drunk night that I said I couldn’t control myself and had to kiss him.. although I can’t recollect that kiss much but I’m sure I felt content that night.. it was the next day that he picked me from my friend’s place, held my hand and said don’t love me much.. I should have listened to him but I couldn’t help myself but to fall for him.
Every time it was a hell of a kiss, like a drop of water in a desert. Like a rose on a grave.. deep longing.. so passionate.. it was like I have never been kissed before or like a first kiss or like a hot cup of tea on a cold morning.. I would crave for it.. satisfied yet wanting for more..
Let me talk about him a little bit.. I’m sure anyone would fall in love with such a kind hearted soul. He was sweet, kind, generous, so sorted and calm.. even if he was stressed he was calm like he had his tablet of calmness always with him. I won’t deny there have been instances where he has complained to me but by the end of the conversation it was always like he knew what to do. I don’t know if he wasn’t ever sad or he had no desires but he always convinced me that it’s gonna be ok at the end of the day like he was ok with anything.. too easy like nothing ever bothered him.. there is no glass that could pierce his heart.. or there was immense pain and he dealt with it magically..
The way he takes care of his niece, the patience and love he has for that kid made me realise I want him to be the father of my child. Coming back to his eyes, I really wish my children have his eyes. Trust me they sparkle.. I can drown in them.. it has so much depth like the ocean. There have been instances where I have been angry or agitated with him but the moment I saw him it’s all gone, just lost in his eyes and I’m at peace..
I don’t know when I fell so hard despite him telling me not to.. still I couldn’t help myself. I just couldn’t hold my guard around him, and would instantaneously turn into a kid around him. I could go anywhere and do anything for him like no limits. Like I would melt like a candle around a flame.. The time I met him or was involved with him I was suffering from depression and every time I cried to him he brought peace.. he was always available for me despite his busy time..
He might have never said he loves me, maybe he didn’t.. it’s really ok but I knew he cared I knew he did.. those 7 months I won’t say were the best, I had trust issues so I never could trust him I was depressed anxious so attached that I was so scared to loose him that I smothered him.. couldn’t give him the space he needed.. I assumed a lot of things and fought with him about my assumptions which he tried to convince me about but my trust issues never let me believe him but I would end up being at peace maybe after taking away his.. Now that it’s over and I miss him so much, all I can think about is the goodness and all he can think about is how I treated him and that’s fair. He might have not come when my car broke down, nor helped me shift my house but he heard me every time I was depressed and hugged me every time I was anxious..
Nevertheless, I love him and love is about letting the person you love be free and be peaceful and that’s what I have decided to let him free. Not all love stories have a happy ending but my love story has a happy ending.. I am happy that he is happy.. doesn’t matter anymore if we did not end up together.. this is my love story which taught me what love is.. this is my love story which taught me what unconditional love is.. well, gonna end this by saying peace out like how he used to! This is my love story where I still love immensely, did fail and yet is still in love again!! “