(c) Can Stock Photo / Crysrob

(c) Can Stock Photo / Crysrob

Unfortunately the parenthood among teenagers is becoming more and more common. Of course this is a sad reality, because teenagers are too young to become parents themselves. The parenthood requires lots of huge responsibilities which sometimes may be way too much for the teenagers to handle. In different situations these responsibilities change. A lot matters whether the teenage parents will stay together or will just move on their lives separately. Of course it would be much more welcoming if both parents decide to form a family a give the baby the pleasure of real full family. However, if this does not happen then the responsibilities are really severe. In general, no matter whether the parents will for a family or will break up, still the teenage parenting has got many disadvantages which need to be observed.

Just because most of the teenage parenting is unplanned, it means that it can bring lots of changes, disadvantages and troubles as well.

  • So one of the first disadvantages of teenage parenthood is the loss of education. Many teens really want to continue their education, however, with parenthood it’s not possible. So this actually means that they spent years for educating, but all of a sudden they have to give it up. Actually this happens mostly because of being afraid of being bullied, being ashamed of body image change, physical problems, pain etc. The statistics show that 70 percent of teen parents drop the school and find a job. This is quite sad statistics and definitely a disadvantage.
  • The statistics also show that teen parents, especially moms tend to have more medical issues and problems than the teens that are not parents yet. This of course is also a great disadvantage, because no teen wants to have major health issues since being so young. Being healthy is important for everyone and for teenagers as well. The change of health issues is connected to the childbirth and stress as well. For teenage fathers, it is usually about the stress.
  • Another disadvantage for teenage pregnancy is definitely the problem of lower income. Many teenagers spend their money on the children, because they are parents and they have to take care of the baby first. So as parents they sacrifice the income for the baby. Sometimes, if the financial situation is really bad, then both parents have to work. This is even worse, because it is too difficult to work and to keep the child at the same time.
  • Another disadvantage for teenage parents is the lack of time. The time for teenage parents is really running fast and they do not have time to go out with friends and to enjoy the life with their peers. They have to sit at home with the baby and have to live the same day and the same routine with the baby every single day. This is very boring and definitely is a huge disadvantage. When you are teenager you still want to have fun with your friends and not sit at home all day long.
  • One of the biggest disadvantages of being a teenage parent is all about being becoming an adult fast and becoming older and mature. Of course maturity is a good thing, but when you are teenager, you have to live the teenage moments and not become an adult as soon as possible.
  • Another disadvantage for being teen parents is being not a good role model for your baby. Your baby may look up to you and may want to become just like you. However I am sure no teenage parent wants his or her child be a teenage parent just like him or her. So this is also a disadvantage.


As you see, you can find tons of disadvantages of becoming teenage parent. It is something that happens usually unplanned and the consequences are harsh and life changing. You have to change the whole lifestyle and have to cope with the new and difficult one. In fact it is stressful and not easy at all. At the same time you nearly ruin all your plans and design complete a new life, full of the disadvantages mentioned above.

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