As you may have read a lot about the food to eat or to avoid, now its the turn for the tea to be discussed. As for the people who like tea a lot and don’t imagine their life and evenings without the tea, you may like to know whether there is something special to know about the choice of the tea during the pregnancy.
When the point comes to ceffeinated beverages we, of course, start being more hesitant about its use. However, when we talk about the tea, especially about herbal teas, we are being more convinient in telling that it could be a wise choice.
Usually, depending on which type of tea you choose during the pregnancy decides whether you should go on drinking it or not. That is why today we will give you a list of teas which are always welcomed to be used during the pregnancy.
Starting the list with ginger tea
That’s not a secret to anyone that ginger has plenty of advanatages: it manages the levels of glucose, gives relief to the tired muscles, helps with the morning sickness you may have, improves the immunity and circulation and helps with the stress. With all of the advantages listed here, who wouldn’t like to have at least one cup of ginger tea a day? However be careful not to drink more then 3 cups of ginger tea a day.
And proceeding with the dandelion leaf tea
Being rich with potassium, dandelion leaf tea is amazing for the late pregnancy. However, as it has a bitter taste, you should rather add it to another tea and then only have it.
How you like the peppermint tea idea?
If you are a real tealover, then you would like the variety of teas. Plus to that, if you see this list which includes pretty much of tea variaties, you will surely like it. This list also includes in itself the peppermint tea. If you want to have your stomach muscles relaxed the peppermint tea is a great choice. It also helps the morning vomiting, which is usually common in early period of pregnancy. So, don’t overdrink it again, but take into account that a cup of it every day, especially during the early pregnancy, would really help you a lot.
Other teas which also have benefits and can be chosen during pregnancy can be:
- Nettle tea
- Rooibos tea
- Raspberry tea (from raspberry leaf)
The teas to avoid during pregnancy
This list wouldn’t be total, if we didn’t include here the names of the teas which should be avoided during the pregnancy. There were conducted many researches showing that the caffeine brings to a low birth weight. This means, that the teas which include caffeine, should be totally avoided.
The teas from this list are:
- Green tea
- Black tea
- Earl grey
- Nilgiris
- Oolong
This list can be continued with the names of the teas that are herbal and may have negative side effects on your baby.
However, this list can also be sometimes discusses and saying that they all should be avoided wouldn’t be a right thing to do. One of the teas, that is a matter of many discussions is the green tea. Having many benefits, green tea also contains caffeine, that is why green tea is usually included into this list. However, if you really like green tea, having one cup of it a day wouldn’t bring any negative side effects.
For any other decision about using this or that tea, you should better advice your doctor and see what he says for your exact pregnancy case.
What we advice is following to the list of safe teas and enjoying them and the benefits they have. After all, those teas really have relaxing effects and that would never be unnecessary. So, just enjoy it.