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The causes of Blackheads and the cures.

The appearance of blackheads just like other pimples on skin is an extremely unpleasant thing.  They make us look ugly and spoil the total image. Both men and women get nervous when they see those blackheads on their face. It is really annoying thing and you just want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Sometimes it does not happen as early as you would like it to happen. Most of the people do not differentiate the pimples from blackheads. Basically the difference is not much. Blackheads are just one type of acne or pimples. Blackheads appear when the pores get clogged because of the sebum excess, which is the oil caused by glands. No matter what the scientific explanation of blackhead is, it is anyway the same for both men and women. They just want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

There is a fallible idea that blackheads appear because of dirt. This is really a funny statement which is absolutely false.  Many people think that scrubbing will help them, and they just try to scrub their face skin. This is not the right thing to do, just because scrubbing may dry your ski, which in its turn will cause your skin to produce even more oil. More oil will definitely make it all worse.

However, do not get desperate and disappointed. Any problem can be solved, and so the problem of blackheads, if you are facing that.

So there are some remedies that will help you to solve the problem of blackheads if not easily then it least after some time. The best thing is that most of the remedies are quite natural and you will not use any chemicals to solve the problem.

  1. Thus the mask that we will recommend you is the mask made of egg white. Basically the egg white will help you to remove the blackheads you face. Eggs are also rich in nutrition that nourishes and feed your skin. At the same time the white of eggs does not dry your skin out. You just have to clean your face with cold water, then apply the egg white and leave on your face for about 10 minutes. After that just rinse the face off. You should do these 3 times a week until you see the result.
  2. The next home remedy that we would say is extremely helpful in case of blackheads, is the one made of milk and honey. Honey has some antibacterial features, while milk tends to make the skin softer. You will just need 1 tablespoon of milk and one tablespoon of honey. You have to make the mixture warm on heat, and then let it cool off and then only apply to blackheads. Leave the mass on the blackheads for about 20 minutes. Then gently peel it off and clean your face.
  3. The next means that are highly effective in solving the problem of blackheads, is the home remedy of baking soda and water. The soda helps to open your pores and in this way the problem is being solved. Just add some baking soda into the water and gently massage your skin with the mass. However you should really be careful just because the baking soda can dry your skin out and cause to dehydration. Thus be just watchful with this remedy and do not overuse the soda.
  4. The forth and the last home remedy that will work brilliantly in case of removing the blackheads is probably the one made by the mixture of cinnamon with honey. As we said before, honey has antibacterial features, while the cinnamon helps the blood circulation, thus making your skin better. You will need cinnamon powder and honey as well. Just mix those ingredients and apply to your blackheads. Leave on face for 30 minutes and then wash your skin.

So the 4 options and tips that we offer you are the best way thanks to which you can easily get rid of the blackheads in home conditions. They are not painful and they are natural which is also very important. If you have allergies, you better use the options that do not contain honey, and they will be very helpful to you.

So just take care of your skin and follow those tips that will provide you with the skin free of blackheads.

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