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(c) Can Stock Photo

Every girl is worried with the issue of looking beautiful and attractive. Without having beautiful hair it is impossible to do so. Therefore there is a need for all of us, girls to treat our hair well, and to make sure we take a precise care of them. However, sometimes we face hair loss and we cannot find out the reason and the causes. It seems that we try our best but still our hair fall and drop, become thinner and thinner which all results in hair loss. So let’s find what the causes of hair loss are.

So first of all there is not a single cause, we can name many reasons and causes why we face this kind of problem especially women.

Normally people should lose from 50 to 100 hair strands, after washing we lose 250 approximately. This technically means that washing your hair too often can negatively result on your hair. Every time you wash them you lose more than every day normal amount of hair. So if you wash more than twice a week your hair, then keep in mind, that you definitely will have some problems with the hair loss.

The next point which can also make a cause for hair loss is the eating habits. In order to have beautiful hair, and to avoid problems such as hair loss and quality drop you should eat good. It is not about the portion but about the diversity. You should eat fish, nuts, honey, meat and other important staff full of vitamins and necessary items.

The next point may be hidden in your genes. Hair loss very often comes genetically. With the ageing process it the hair loss even gets worse if the reason comes genetically.  In this case you cannot really help the situation but to take a little bit more care of your hair than others.

The other cause and reason of hair loss can be the combing. Just like washing if you comb your hair too many times, you will damage them and it will be the reason for you losing your hair. Sometimes you do not comb it for a few days, because you don’t want to spoil your hairstyle and after the break when you comb it you face massive hair loss. In reality you may not be losing more hair than usual, but just before you did not comb them, the hair that should have fallen daily, still remained, and they will fall all together.

Some researchers believe that another reason can be the women menopause, while some researchers argue that it has nothing to do with menopause, but it can rather be connected with the ageing process.

These were the most common causes for massive hair loss. Hair loss is a big risk for every woman, and overlooking this issue can have negative results on you. Thus be careful when it comes to your hair health, treat them carefully, make sure you do everything right. Eat well, se less chemicals, use natural masks, use less hair straighteners, wash and comb them properly but not too many times, do not comb your hair while they are wet. You definitely should not forget to cut them often. Just a little bit cutting can have a really good impact on your hair health because once they grow too long, they look messy and at the same time, they start being thinner and thinner. Try to find the shampoo which is perfect for your type of hair. Anyways, if everything is good, but your hair loss is unstoppable then go to the doctor for sure, because hair loss speaks for our organism.