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Starting a business is very exciting and most of the young people who are going to start business are usually very enthusiastic about it but there can be a lot of reasons which will lead your business to nowhere. In a market where there are a lot of big players, the one who just started will be underestimated and can meet a lot of barriers which can lead the business to failure. Another case is when you want to have your own startup and but there are some circumstances that simply do not let you do that. In this article we are going to understand what these barriers are that will lead you and your business to nowhere and what you can do in order to overcome those barriers.

  • Thus one of the barriers people most often think is the lack of money. You want to have your startup but there is no money to do that. A lot of people whose dreams are to have their own businesses just give up their ideas because of they do not have enough money they find necessary to start the office. Well, then you should do bootstrapping, that is setting your business with minimum costs. A lot of successful businesses were set with the capital less than 20000 dollars.
  • You have no time because who have full –time job. That is understandable but at the same time you should understand that you have to sacrifice something if you want to startup and in this case you can sacrifice your weekends. Without taking some time for business will just make it impossible to succeed., so you should find some time for it.
  • Sometimes no courage is also a big barriers because are afraid of being a loser or losing some money and investment. Of course losing money and being a loser are very different things. Even if you do not become someone very successful in business, at least you will know that you have tried something in your life and that you simply did not succeed.
  • Another barrier is the barrier of marketing, which means that by the time you enter a new market, there are a lot of other companies that already have some income which is addressed to advertisement. This means that they will be able to introduce them very properly while you may not be so able to do that.
  • Another quite complicated barrier is that actually most of the companies already have their clients and it is quite hard to do something about it. If you are a client that has been using one and the same thing for such a long time, then why should you change it? Well, in this case you must find reasons why clients will come to you and try to ”steal” them. There can be some ways to do that and you should just think about them. It is mostly about the quality you can offer and about the prices as well. SO think about how you can reach to the point when people just forget about the companies that they used before.


These are the most obvious barriers that any person can deal with. In this case you just have to be smart enough and study each of the barriers before starting a business. Again, you should not hurry up. Think well on your business plan, think about everything and then only make decision. Some barriers are just psychological and they are just stuck in your mind. In this case you can easily overcome them by simply understanding that there is  no need to be scared or afraid, overall business and life in general greatly depends on the risks that you take. On the other side there are quite serious barriers which are actually not so easy to overcome, they in fact exit and they exist not just in your mind but somewhere there in the market. These barriers are even more serious when they are related to your competitors. The competitors can do a lot of thing to crush from the very beginning if they see you as future competitor.  So just be smart enough to really understand where you are with your business, where it call lead you to, does it have the real potential to succeed or no and then only try to overcome those barriers. With open mind and creativity, the barriers will not seem to be so many in number.   Understand your goals and objectives and set them clear. If you are goal oriented and have strong will, if you have courage enough and you are risky then for sure no barrier will ever be able to stop you from your dreams.