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(c) Can Stock Photo

Wrinkles are one if the common face problems that we face nowadays. This problem is common for both men and women, and is caused by very different causes.  The most common reasons why we have wrinkles is the reason of sunlight, the ageing process and also the face mimics and expressions that cause wrinkles. People think that we have wrinkles then it is very difficult to get rid of them, and only surgery is able to remove them. This is very wrong idea because in reality there many and many natural ways that can help you to remove those unwanted wrinkles which make you look old. There are some things that you should avoid doing, if you want to have smooth skin deprived of wrinkles.

So here are the best ways that will help you to remove and to get rid of wrinkles.

  • The very first reason is strongly connected to sun. If you want to prevent the rise of wrinkles, you should definitely avoid the sunrays. The impact of sunrays is even much more than the genetics. So if you want to have a skin free of wrinkles and if you want a smooth one, then you should avoid being under sun too much, or cover yourself somehow.
  • Even if you are having fun on beach and soaking up the sunshine, you should keep in mind to wear sunscreen. This is really important and one should not overlook the importance of this fact.
  • You should also avoid smoking. Studies show that smoking tends to age the skin and make you look older than you are actually. Smoking reduces the elastin and collagen, which are very important factors for skin.
  • You should also sleep enough and sleep well. The studies show that if you get lack of sleep than the skin produces cortisol, which in its turn helps the ageing process and makes you have wrinkles.
  • You should sleep on your back, because certain studies show that sleeping on face increases the risk of getting wrinkles on chain and on cheeks.
  • Eat fish in order to get enough fatty acids. Eating fish, especially salmon will help you to get enough fatty acids, protein and healthy minerals that will make your skin smoother and will prevent the rise of wrinkles. If you already have wrinkles, fish will help you to fight with them.
  • Vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants, which in their turn help to fight against wrinkles and pimples as well.
  • Do not wash your face too much, because it will dry out your skin. While if you want to get rid of wrinkles, you should somehow balance the oil in your skin and keep the skin hydrated.
  • At the same time you should use simple moisturizer which will keep your skin hydrated.
  • Studies also show that vitamin C helps to produce collagen. It also corrects the pigmentation problem and improves the skin condition in general.

There are also some medical treatments to wrinkles.

  • Some doctors fill the wrinkles with collagen or other substances, such as hyaluronic acid or other syntactic things.
  • There is also laser kind of treatment again wrinkles. The laser light removes the very first layer of skin surface and the fresh and new skin stays there on surface, thus making you lose your wrinkles.
  • There are also chemical peels that helps you to burn the top layer of your skin and make the skin smoother.
  • Botox is another way the surgery can solve this problem. The Botox helps the muscles under your wrinkles be more relaxed, which in its turn helps the wrinkles become smooth.


As you can see there are quite many ways that will help you to remove the wrinkles from your face. As you see the good thing about this is that the means are quite different. You can do it by the help of surgery and also by the help of natural methods. Of course we recommend you to apply the natural methods and to get rid of the wrinkles naturally. However, the natural means of removing wrinkles will be much more timing than the ones offered by surgery. The surgery does the same faster, but it also has some kind of side effects. So all you should do is to weight the pluses and minuses of each option and then decide the best variant for you.

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