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It is the time to discuss a very interesting and important topic especially for young and inexperienced entrepreneurs. The thing is that being an entrepreneur is not an easy thing but a rather complicated one and at the same time it is even more complicated for young people who do not have any experience in the field and are going to just start up in this sphere. They will meet a lot of problems and at time they will be lost in mind and will not know what to do about it. So actually another big problem for them are the conditions, high taxes and many other factors. For a young person it does matter where he starts the business because if he is going to live there then it means that he connects his youth with there. SO it is a very complicated and important issue for him. So now let’s try to understand what countries are the best for starting a business if you are young.
- One of the cities which is definitely very good for entrepreneurs especially the young ones is definitely San Francisco. Most of the people in San Francisco are highly educated and more than 49 percent of the youth have got bachelor degree. This makes the city full of successful and educated young rinsing individuals which makes San Francisco a really great place for the youth to start up.
- Another great city for young start up entrepreneurs is Austin, which actually is full of young people who and there is a lot of chance in the city to grow up as a startup entrepreneur. Therefore if you are a young startup entrepreneur who wants to be really successful and at the same time enjoy his youth then it is time for you to move to Austin.
- Boston is another great city for young entrepreneurs as it is one of the highest paid cities in US. The amount of educated residents is really high in this city, estimated more than 45 percent of population and this makes Boston really highly paid city.
- Fargo is another great city for young entrepreneurs as it has a very low percent of unemployment and this makes the city really full of enchanting opportunities and business ideas. Besides this the city is full of young professional which means that if you set a company there it will work like a real professional machine.
- Midland is another city where you can enjoy a company of young entrepreneurs like you, the number of which is really high and taking into the consideration how much the youth is among the population, we can state it takes its special place in this list for opportunities for young entrepreneurs and besides that it is really a great place to live because you will enjoy the friendly Taxes style business atmosphere.
- Madison is another great city because it has one of the lowest unemployment ranks and this makes the city take a special place in the list. Besides this the young population is quite big in the city and not only big but also quite educated with at least bachelor degree of more than 44 percent people. This will make your working atmosphere really a nice and professional one as every entrepreneur dreams of.
- Another great young business community is in Seattle which makes the city a perfect place for the young entrepreneurs. Most of the people are young, educated and the cities income for population is really good. That is the reason why Seattle definitely has its own place.
As you can see it is really important for young entrepreneurs to set up in a city where you can meet a lot of other young entrepreneurs or at least young people. Of course the young entrepreneur looks for a great business opportunity but it is also important to know where you settle and in what country you are going to live for such a long time or spend most of your working days. Young entrepreneurs face a lot of problems and in these cities they will have much more opportunities than in any other country. Therefore if you are young, down to earth, open minded and if you want to find a place for your company then think about these cities mentioned above because it will be good both for you and for your business as well. Of course there will be some other great cities for your business but try to choose between these and estimate the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them try to compare and then understand which one you like the most and then just move there and prepare yourself for your business future. Good luck with whatever your choose!