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We all know who Steve Jobs was and we know how creative he had been in his professional life. Steve Jobs, being the founder and owner of Apple was a real phenomenon and because of this he has been very successful and till now Apple is a leading brand when it comes to technology sphere even though Steve Jobs had already passed away. If you are an entrepreneur it is very crucial and essential to be creative and therefore if you are creative you have more chances to be successful as well. In today’s article we are going to understand the advice from Steve Jobs to entrepreneurs for being creative and for getting success.
- Steve Jobs was even creative in the life vision that he had. According to Steve Jobs we live in a world that people themselves made up. They just made ourselves believe that we should live like this, have a family, save a little money and we live inside this world. However these are some ideas that people themselves created and they named it with the name ”world” etc. So what Steve himself believed is that people who have created those lines and borders are not smarter than you and you also can create something new which other people will use. The world is much broader and it can be anything you put in your mind. This is what Steve believed in, and for sure this kind of creative outlook and vision of life helped him for his professional career as well.
- Steve Jobs had also a very interesting opinion on design. Steve believed that design is not what it looks like. Most of us really imagine the looks when talking about design. However, according to Steve Jobs, design what it feels like. We all know that the design of Apple especially has been very preferred and very successful and this is what Steve Jobs believed in when he was thinking about the design of Apple. It is what it feels like.
- According to Steve Jobs passion and love for what you do is important. He believed that the ones who were successful according to the society did really love their job and did it with passion because without love and passion you are going to give it up one day.
- Another interesting idea of Steve Jobs is that if you are hire great people who want to work for you and you want to see them in your team, then you certainly have to let them make a lot of decisions because startup must be run not by hierarchy but by ideas, creativity and mind.
- Another thing which Steve Jobs believed in was making connections. He believed that you should make connections which others maybe do not see much sense in. For example he studied calligraphy which practically was useless in life, he travelled to Asia and India, he studied design and hospitality. All these things may not be connected for you but for him there was some connection and you should also make connection in everything for you.
- One of the greatest things which Steve believed in is that you should sell not a product but a dream. You should sell the dream of the customer. He knew if he sold something which was too complicated then people simply would not buy it. That is the reason why he believed that people do not care about your product but about themselves and whether it would make their lives easier or not. That is what the client thinks about. You should understand your client and make your product their dream.
As you can see Steve Jobs was a completely other kind of person. It is so rare to find people like Steve Jobs even nowadays. The thing with him was that he had a completely different vision on life which made his startup also different. Of course Steve Jobs did not only work on Apple but also wounded a 3D animation powerhouse Pixar. He made Apple worth 700 billion dollars being the largest worth all around the world. It is hard to understand exactly where his success came from. Probably it was all a combination of so many different factors and aspects. Most importantly his vision of life was completely different because he was a person who did not believe in borders or in lines at all. He himself created a world of many possibilities and chances for him which he won and gained. We hope that the advice from Steve Jobs will be somehow informative and at the same time helpful for you to understand the entrepreneurship better and we hope that you will get the chance to use the advice for your startup. Think different and create yours.