Cooking level: middle

Timing: 1 hour and a half

Origin: Australian

Nutrition: high

Today we will be making a nice Australian dish from stunning Australian cuisine.  The Australian cuisine is full of the dishes made of fish, seafood. The Australian cuisine is a lot influenced by Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. It is one of the rare cuisines that perfectly show the globalization as it is a combination of different cultures and foods of different origins.  A granny Smith apple is an absolutely Australian favorite product. At the same time we have to note that much of the Australia’s cuisine was influenced by British eating habits.  Today we will be making an Australian brilliant dish, Lamb chop and bush curry. The dish is so homey and is so tasty. It is one of the dishes that can be taken out from grand mom’s cook book. 

We are super excited tonight as this is the first Australian dish that we will make. 

So all we need for making lamb chop and bush tomato curry is listed below. 

The Ingredients

Olive oil spray

6 lamb chops

2 onions

1 tablespoon of ghee

2 cloves of garlic

1 teaspoon of ginger

1 tablespoon of coriander

1 tablespoon of cumin

2 teaspoon of tomato seasoning

1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 teaspoon of Tanami fire

1 tin diced tomato

1 cup of chicken stock

½ teaspoon of cinnamon

Natural yogurt, but this is optional

Fresh coriander, this is also optional

The making

Take a frying pan and spray the olive oil spray on it. The heat the oven and brown the chops properly. After they are brown on both sides, place them on casserole. 

Then you have to melt the ghee in the frying pan and reduce the heat. Next cook the onion for a few minutes until they are of golden color, and then add the ginger and garlic, and cook for 3 minutes by stirring constantly. Then add the cumin, coriander, add the tomato seasoning, Tanami fire and the turmeric. Cook all together while stirring for 1 minute.

Next you have to add the cinnamon to the tin of tomatoes and pour into the pa, and then pour it over the chops. Pour in the chicken stock and stir slightly. 

Then bake at 160 degrees for 1.5 hours. The lamb should be soft so as to fall off bones. Move out the bones and other unpleasant parts. 

Then cook rice or something else which you like most, to serve with the dish. We think that rice is the best option and matches the dish perfectly.

As you can see the cooking of this dish is neither so easy nor difficult. It is of middle difficulty. The nutrition is however quite high, and the timing is about 1 hour and a half. 

This is a perfect lunch or dinner dish which will provide you with the energy you will need the whole day round. 

Enjoy your first Australian kind of dish.  

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