(c) Can Stock Photo / halfpoint

(c) Can Stock Photo / halfpoint

The topic of internet use among teenagers is a very controversial one. No matter the country, the overuse of Internet and technologies among teenagers is huge anywhere. Teenagers are just addicted on the Internet and social networks. They just spend hours stuck in their phones chatting all the time, and living ”online” lives. Of course this is a big danger because they shift themselves away from the real life and become used to the life in Internet, which in reality does not exist. On the contrast with this, Internet nowadays has made our lives much easier and no one can imagine their lives without Internet. Teenagers use Internet as the main source of their knowledge nowadays. There is nothing more useful than that in terms of quick information. They read books online, they watch movies and they just can find any useful information on the Internet. Besides this, many schools have online exams as well.

So as you see nowadays, in 21st century there is no way for the teenager to escape the use of Internet. We need Internet absolutely for everything nowadays.  If you want to forbid your child to use Internet, then it will not even work, because we need it for some many things right now. However, another issue of the use of Internet is the following. Is the use of Internet safe or it is not safe?

We would like to tell you that first of all some teenagers are not clever enough and they become the victims of foreign people that they meet in social network. These people offer them a date and then they agree and meet. This however can be really dangerous. They should not meet with someone they do not know at all. So it is really unsafe to use some social websites, such as Facebook or Instagram because of this.

Besides this in the social websites private pages of many teenagers are open and many people can use their photos for different kind of things. That is why we would definitely recommend you to watch out what your profile or your teenage child’s profile looks like. This particularly refers to girls.

Another unsafe thing for the use of Internet is definitely the reason that unfortunately is already enough, the use of Internet takes all our times nowadays. Teenagers are just stuck in the Internet. They live there and just cannot give up their phones for a minute.

Besides this there are many games through Internet such as Pokémon go that can be really unsafe because again it requires a meeting with stranger. You never know who the stranger is and what can the meeting turn into.

The use of internet also makes the teenager be deprived of reading books, doing their homework. Their mind is in the Internet and with the fun things that they can be done by the help of the Internet.

On contrast with this, we have to state that at the same time Internet and the use of Internet is extremely beneficial as well. Of course it is not safe in terms of privacy, but on the other hand it is a giant source of useful information.

So I think that teenagers should definitely use the Internet for all the purposes, however they should differentiate between what is good and what is not good. They have to see the differences in all these things. They can use social websites to chat with their friends and to share their photos. However, do not let your teenage child spend much time on the social websites.

Instead of this they can read some books online, they can learn many new things, watch some movies, documentaries, shows. They can also hear the news on the Internet. At the same time, they can be really well informed and become well rounded due to the Internet. So we think the use of Internet in this aspect, when it is a source of knowledge, is completely safe and useful. However, of course when they use Internet just for social websites like Facebook and Instagram, then it is not something very safe and very useful. So the teenager just have to know this important difference.