Taurus Zodiac Sign: All You Need To Know
In astrology’s captivating world, Taurus is often represented by a bull, and amidst other things, this symbol indicates dependable strength. Another fact worth noting is that persons born between April 20 till May 20 are usually grouped as Taurus individuals.
Taureans, like their cosmic animal spirit, are unwavering, dependable, and hardworking. Their resolution on a matter could sometimes appear as stubbornness to persons around them. And when it comes to attaining their desires in their profession, family, or even a love relationship, the Taureans are sure to stay at it till it comes through. They are quite the masters of persistence.
Venus rules the Taurus stars, and it is the planet that rules love and beauty. Taureans also enjoy a rustic, soothing, serene, and relaxation-filled atmosphere. Any physical appearance of luxury, pleasure, and comfort would prove irresistible to a bull, and the same goes for the Taurean individual. Besides being a hard worker, he also knows how to have a good time.
These are but a scratch on the surface when the discussion concerns the Taureans; therefore, we shall be delving into more fascinating facts that place these individuals in this special class of theirs.

Core Personality Traits Of Taureans
1. Resilient and Dedicated
Speaking of loyalty to a cause, a relationship, a family, etc., like the bull, these “mini bulls” are incredibly remarkable. In families, Taureans are indeed blessings; you could count on them to say encouraging and soothing words. They thrive in an opportunity to share and ease the emotional burden of anyone they love; this makes them the exact species of persons most people run to in difficult times.
For resilience and doggedness, Taureans have also been found to come up top. Their sense of strong dedication not only makes them great family or workers but could also be a very vital driving force that achieves excellent projects. On the other hand, a Taurean could also be very dedicated to a toxic relationship, an abusive spouse, etc.
2. Taureans are focused and stability conscious
Like the bull, when Taureans have their minds set on achieving a task, they cannot be easily distracted. They also place much value on reliability and consistency as they relate with people. In their world, the premise must be given to fulfilling goals, for in this, they find fulfillment.
Being that Taureans are very welcoming and family loving, they can go a long way to meet a loved one’s needs, which requires a regular cash inflow. Thus, most Taureans are hard workers; hence a Tauren is also not one to spend unnecessarily nor squander wealth.
They plan with the future in view and intuitively save portions of their income. Even with choosing whom to marry, they prefer someone also interested in creating a financially firm home. Taureans feel insecure with anyone who is not concerned about stability, and they show their disapproval vehemently.
3. Taureans love to share their passion for life
Being born within spring, when life is at its fullest, comes with its perks. And for the Taureans who are very much in tune with their zodiacal star, this trait features a great passion for life and a tremendous interest in the beauties of nature.
This in itself is a beautiful attribute as Taureans usually love to share their ideas concerning everything. They wish to bond and converse with all their hearts, and this is the reason why a Taurean would be most compatible with a member of another Zodiac sign who is willing to listen to the Taurean’s views.
4. Taureans are conservative
A Taurus can be quite stuck to their average traditional values. Eccentric trends and funky eye-catchy inclinations do not easily sway them. Ranging from their hairstyle, dress sense, interior decor, etiquette, etc. Taureans are easily predictable.
Not only do Taureans prefer their conservative, stable lifestyle, but they also seem to gravitate toward persons of like mind.
5. Taureans value Authenticity and morals
A Taurean can be efficient, blunt, and morally inclined. They have their core convictions about life, and it can be quite difficult to change them due to their bullheadedness. They can be so rooted and caught up in their world of right and wrong, but they are still a fantastic company to share life with.
People That Would not Easily Attract A Taurus
1. A Rigid individual
Because Taurus is strong-headed, they tend to quickly get along with someone who isn’t as bull-headed as they are. They would generally prefer another Zodiac signs that can leave their view for the Taurus’. This is the only way to prevent reoccurring conflict and disharmony in the relationship. So, for Taurus, getting married to a rigid person is a sure prescription for disaster, and this must be avoided from the inception of the relationship.
2. A Secretive Person
Taureans are very open, honest, and blunt about how they feel in a romantic relationship. Still, if they discover or suspect that the other player in the game has come tricks concealed under their sleeves, the Taurus could feel cheated.
And this is a problem because, even without proper investigations, the Taurus could conclude on the situation and become invasive to reconnect. Eventually, there would be conflict in the relationship.
3. A Rule Breaker
Tauruses are die-hard, rigid traditionalists, and they adhere strictly to rules. They would not do anything contrary to the acceptable societal pattern because they have built their earth solid convictions and values about these societal norms.
On the other hand, a zodiac sign which is carefree and challenges the deep-seated morals of the Taurus would not make a suitable spouse for the Taurus.
Even when the Taurus gets involved with such a person, he attempts to correct the rule breaker and make him ‘normal.’ Not every carefree person would want to change to suit the Taurus’ personality; hence Tauruses are unlikely to be with rule breakers.
4. A Lazy Partner
Taureans are extremely hardworking, and they have little consideration for lazy individuals. They put their best effort into all they do, and the results usually speak for themselves, so with this in mind, a Taurus can become irritated with a lazy partner.
Now that we have discussed the Taureans’ different unique traits, we shall see the zodiac sign group that is most compatible with the Taureans.
Who Is the Taurus Compatible With?
According to astrology, Taureans are compatible with many other zodiac signs depending on how much of the traits above they posses. On a broad scale though, Taureans are most compatible with Capricorns, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and another Taurus.
- Taurus and Cancer
A Taurus and a Cancer could form a formidable bond because the two share a love for life and they both appreciate and respect each other’s traditional values. However, a cancer needs to learn to handle the Taurus’s blunt personality because individuals of the Cancer Zodiac signs are easily hurt.
Because Taurus’ are rigid, they can also stand up to the defense of their Cancer partner and make them feel heavily loved.
- Taurus and Taurus
Taurus is a zodiac sign that thrives in a relationship with their kind. Taurus will together respect each other’s convictions, traditions, and values. Because of their dedication to the family, the duo is bound to forge a legacy.
- Taurus and Virgo
The duo formed by these two is a long-lasting one because the Virgo brings their high intelligence, and together with the Taurus artistic flair, they are quite an item.
When a Taurus can be less judgmental, a Virgo becomes open-minded, making the pair a lively one.
- Taurus and Scorpio
The Taurus and Scorpio are a classic case of opposite attract, and most times, the differences between these two can bring balance to the union. The emotional Scorpio can comfort the rocky Taurus, and loyalty keeps the relationship loving and fulfilling.
- Taurus and Capricorn
This blend could be very interesting because of the extreme nature of these individuals. Taurus being dependable and hardworking are satisfied by their achievements, while the Capricorn can be tied up on their past failures, present difficulties, and potential future failures.
Suppose by some means the Taurus could teach the Capricorn to forgive himself and leave above his fears while also incorporating some of the Capricorn’s cautiousness. In that case, they are set for a fun-filled relationship.
Speaking of other zodiac signs that are compatible with Taurus on a medium scale we have: Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Pisces
While the zodiac signs least compatible with a Taurus are: Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries
What Makes a Taurus Happy?
Like we already mentioned, Taureans are lively people, and they love to share the wonder they see in the world with everyone they value. Therefore, any activity that explores nature and borders on practical fun is bound to make a Taurus happy.
Some of these activities could be done during springtime. They include: Visiting the museum, sunbathing, socializing, playing puzzle games that enable them to think and reason out a solution, etc.
What Can Hurt a Taurus?
It may not look like it, but Taureans are quite sensitive and are seriously vulnerable to someone they love. Underneath the relaxed, tough appearance, the Taurus’ heart is a center filled with a loyalty that could get wounded when handled carelessly.
Trivializing their achievement in which they take pride, exposing their deepest secrets, or playing a game of jealousy, could hurt a Taurus.
How Does a Taurus Act When Hurt?
Like a bull, when a Taurus is hurt, they withdraw into solitude, and this can be a surefire way to tell that the Taurus is wounded. They don’t lash out in frustration but instead put up a wall to protect themselves from more hurt.
The Taurus is a master at giving a cold shoulder when hurt, and depending on the degree of the hurt, they may need some time alone from the offender. If they have completely invested themselves in the relationship, they will return to their partner. But, when dealing with a hurt Taurus, they should be allowed to nurse their wounds and heal.
This would require patience and understanding from their partner.
How Do You Apologize To A Hurt Taurus?
When a Taurus is badly hurt emotionally, the best way to go about apologizing is to be sincere and honest in your approach. They may veer into defense mode, but when they observe your sincerity, they would surely come round.