(c) Can Stock Photo / vaeenma
We have already talked about the digital marketing tricks and social media. However, we have mostly discussed how to start your way and branding in social media, how to make the posts and what to pay attention to. In most of the cases, knowing those things are essential: those tricks will help you with having an online presence. However, if you want to make a step further you should know more about the social media and secret world that you can discover!
So, let us start:
Contests are now popular
Well, let’s imagine you have all settled it up and have a nice Instagram or Facebook page, which, however, doesn’t bring you as much viewers or leads as you would like to. So, here is the news: contests that are being held in social media are very popular nowadays. You can decide various things in order to held a contest – starting from sharing a post and choosing the winner by a simple choosing project and finishing up by image and video contest. In the first option the audience won’t work much, they will have to follow your page, like a post and share it. This has its benefits as, if whatever they are sharing goes viral, you will get thousands or at least, hundreds of followers. The second option of contest is giving the viewers the chance of making images and videos and by submitting them win as a result of some competition. The present of the competition can be a product from your shop, for example. What you gain? – Many followers, likes and activity, which will bring potential customers and their interest to your company and brand.
Use the opportunity of making live videos
You can either held the contest and decide the winner via live video (imagine? All of the participants will watch your live), or make a product review or decide anything else that can be of a help. Another trick to know is that when you are suddenly turning on the live video, the possibility that few people will join you is high. And this is because even if someone wants to join your live video a lot, he/ she maybe not in the proper place to do so. For this you better announce about the live video (if you are going to tell something important, for example, announcing the winner of the contest) beforehand. First, more people will know about the live and in case they really want to join you, they can postpone this or that thing, or at least not forget to take the necessary things for it (like earphones or make sure they have internet connection etc.). This is another effective way of gaining new followers and active users, who can later become your customers.
Your blog, social media and the contests you are doing there can be senseless if no one learns about them. You most probably have some emails base of your customers, or contacts that you can write to. Great – now it’s the time to use those contacts. If you are doing something really special and the contest is about to boom the news feeds, then for this you have got to do more marketing. Contact them just for letting them know that there is “This titled” contest on which they can take part to. People can miss something, as with the news feeds in different social media platforms, it is really possible. So, make sure you contact them and let them know before the actual event / contest etc. It is better to have them told at least a week before the event so that, they will manage to do the required things.
Hot topics, how to-s and lists
We have talked before that the content of the website, of the social media platforms stays the king. However, not every content is there to go viral, to be shared and commented a lot. Moreover, your content can be really great but get few likes just because of a poorly chosen title or lack of promotion. Most of the famous and popular article titles can be:
- How to topics – topics which give some steps in order to do this or that thing. If those articles are managed properly with steps and points mentioning what to do – there are of a huge demand.
- Lists of the things – birthday present guides, lists of the countries to visit etc. – those are topics that are easy readable. How? Well they have that general topic of a birthday, and the reader can either just pass through the names of the birthday presents, or go further if they wish to. In both cases those kind of topics are interesting, eye catchy, attractive and do not require much time both in sense of writing and reading.
- Hot topics – if you use neither of the above mentioned variants you can go with this one. Hot topics, doesn’t matter whether they are political, recent cultural news or from the SEO industry, everything new and hot can be a great plot for the story. And that can bring you more viewers and followers.
Make sure to promote all of this articles through the social media you have and send email notifications through your contact base. Don’t forget to use the proper hashtags while sharing in social media platforms, so that the people interested in that exact topics will get to you much easier.
Social media is literally a huge ocean and there is still so much to do for marketing a brand. All we all have to do is being open to changes and creative to making those changes a reality. Good luck to all of us!