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All people think about the people they are surrounded with. We all want to take care of our friends and family members, our relatives. Sometimes we want to help the people that we love and that is the reason why we include them in our business for example, give them work and salary however is this right to include your family members or friends in your startup or no? Well, what you should actually do try to understand whether it is worthy or no. The thing is that sometimes we really want to help but sometimes these kind of people do not have the right properties which makes things a lot harder. So in this article we will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of surrounding yourself with your family members and friends.
So what are the advantages of startup?
Well, let’s start from the advantages of employing your friends and family members.
- The very first thing why employing your people is good is that actually you will surround yourself with the people who love you and who want you only the best. However this one is not always sure because not all the people that we think wish the best for us, really do so. Some people are just players and they do not wish you the best but they are jealous of you. So this point is really a good one as long as you are sure that your people really wish you the best and will not stab you in your back.
- Another thing that actually matters and is good is all about your help. You will help the people that you love and there is no other better feeling in the world when you understand that you helped someone. It is really a very good thing and especially if the person has got good abilities for the work that you are doing, then it will really be stupid of you to miss this chance.
- Another good thing about employing your people is that you will create a small family in your work and that would be great. People work better when they have the feeling of good team and having a good team is really important for successful result. Therefore it is just wonderful how the team will be very friendly and will do a great job.
These are all the most important advantages about startup. Now let’s move to disadvantages.
- For sure number one disadvantage is that you might get a knife in your back and that will be more painful. When you employees do something, you might not take is very deep because you know they are just people who work under you and actually have no personal relation to you, but when these people are your close people, it can be harder.
- Your attitude as boss may harm your relationship. If your best friend works under you then you might not be able to give instructions or even if you do, you might do it in a way that you friend does not like it. Sometimes when we are under pressure we become very stressful and talk rude to people and this can really harm your friendship.
- Another problem and disadvantage here is that your friends or family members might really work very bad but you cannot get rid of them. The thing is that maybe there is someone who destroys it all or maybe does everything wrong and you simply cannot trust him the work. This is a very complicated thing because you feel shy and feel uncomfortable telling the person that you want to fire him but at the same time you understand that it cannot last for too long. In this case I think you must tell the person about it because it harms your interests. May be you can find another solution for the situation and give another post to the person.
These are the main advantages and disadvantages of employing your people. Choosing the people to work with is really important because you trust you company to the people that you work with, you share with them responsibility and they must also share it with you. I think that it is not good when personal relations mix up with work because they always lead to something not nice. They make things much complicated and even if you decide to employ your people then make sure that he has got good knowledge about the work and she does it well, and at the same time make sure that you put aside all kind of personal relations when it comes to work, because for sure it is going to make things much more difficult and complicated.