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Many men nowadays are concerned with the question whether they should shave or they should not. Shaving chest makes you look neater, and everyone will think you take really careful and precise care of yourself. On the other hand, when it comes to things like looking attractive, the opinions are very different and controversial. Some women do think that having shaved the chest makes you look like a teen and you become childish. While in case of not shaving, women will think that you are handsome and attractive. However there are is no clear stereotype or rule what the right thing to do is. You can shave or you may not shave this is all up to you. However, we are going to bring you reasons why you should eventually shave, because so far, most people think that not shaving is better than shaving. There are some minorities who have the opposite opinion, and by the help of this article we will back up those minorities who are men and who want to shave their chest.
Actually not shaving makes you look messy. While shaving and keeping yourself neat and clean is always very nice. Let’s remember that shaving is about hygiene. When you have lots of random hair they kind of make you look really dirty. While if you have shaved you look all clean and you look like a person who really likes to have everything in its place.
The next reason why you should shave your chest is the following. Just imagine you are an employee and you should take a job interview. One of the candidates comes to comes for job interview with shaved chest, while the other one did not shave his chest. Just imagine for a while they are equal in all the abilities, whom will you choose? I am sure the answer is the one who is shaved. This is something that you cannot explain but you definitely will choose the one who shaved.
The next thing why you should shave is about psychological moment. If you see 2 men, one is shaved the other one is not shaved, you will randomly be sympathetic to the shave done. This one also cannot be explained scientifically but for most of the people it is definitely true.
The other thing why you should shave is that while kissing someone, who will not hurt. Some people have really sensitive skin, and even being not shaved for a little time, can make someone else who you will kiss or may be not deliberately but touch, feel pain. Let’s imagine you have a girlfriend. Having not shaved your chest may make her feel painful.
The other reason why you had better shave your chest is that it may affect the health of your skin and you may feel some erosion over your skin. It may get dry and you have some redness on it. That is because of unshaved hair.
Besides these facts, unshaved chest can be painful or you as well. For example whenever you want to touch your chest, or you just touch without thinking about it, you will feel that you just touched the hair over there, you scratched your skin, and you will realize that it was very painful for you.
So actually all of these reasons are quite good ones, to realize that shaving is way better than not shaving. There are some people who say that when a guy shaves his chest he looks like teen. Do not listen to this kind of people and do whatever you really want if you find that shaving chest is better for you, and is what actually suits you, and then shave. You just have to be careful while shaving, in order not to hurt you. The opinion that women like those who do not shave can also be wildly fallible, because everyone has different kind of taste, and it cannot be general truth. Therefore, if you want to shave just be brief, do not listen to anyone’s opinion and shave, because you want to look clean, neat and sympathetic to everyone, thanks to which you may be able to overweight those who do not shave.