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As we already told you many times in our articles the relations between fathers and children should be based on love, care and respect. Whatever you do you should always support each other. Usually the children often get into trouble, especially when it comes to sons. Sons usually are naughtier, and they like to fight, to make quarrels and get into troubles more than daughters. However, it does not matter it is the son or the daughter. If you are a good father, you will always want to help your children out and to save them or support them. However, very often the situations that our children are in, are caused by themselves and not because of some external causes. So you may have different approaches in this case. You will most often want to help the children, however not always helping is good. Sometimes you just need to keep away and not to interfere into the problem.

  • I think this is a very interesting and controversial issue. So just let’s take a closer look at it. First of all helping your children may of course be regarded as support. So if you want to support children it is fine. Moreover if the issue is a very serious one, then for sure as a parent and as a father you always have to interfere and to help your children with whatever you are able to.
  • On the other hand if the child is in the situation because of himself, then you had better not interfere. The reason is that if the child did something wrong, then he must fully recognize the mistake and must do it by himself. In this case, you may not interfere and it can be really helpful. It will help the child to understand what is wrong and what is right. It will also help the child to understand that we are responsible for what we do and before doing our steps we have to take into consideration all we do.
  • If there is a situation where there is someone who disturbs your child, then in this case you are just obliged to interfere. Especially if there is a guy who disturbs your daughter then you should be involved in the issue and do everything to keep your daughter away from all the troubles she might be fallen into.
  • When it comes to your son and his relations with other guys, then in this case you should not interfere. The guy may be involved in conflicts with some other guys, however there is no need to worry about it. It is natural that guys can be involved in many conflicts and it is also quite natural that he will have fights and quarrels outdoors. Try not to interfere, because this is the way men become men. Of course as a father you may want to interfere, but do not do it. You had better let your son solve his own problems.
  • If the conflict is just in his or in her personal life, then you should guide her and help her to solve the issue out. There is no need to worry, you may just help him or her not by actions but by advices. The advice can be really helpful, because some people can do all, and can solve the problems, they just need someone to show them the right path.

I think that these are the key things that you need to know about your children and about how to help them out. Sometimes there may be the financial issues as well. In this case you can help, but always ask for pay off, in order to make them more responsible. So these issues also greatly depend on the age of the child. If the children are small or still not mature enough, then you can help them. If they are already quite old, then in this case you can fully trust them and leave alone with their own problems. Besides this, it is very important and good for parents to see that their children are able to solve all the puzzles out and that they never will be lost.

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